The press regard her as merely one of a ruling troika. 新闻界仅把她视为执政三巨头之一。
Greece will need to rapidly enact the historic list of reforms to obtain the latest grant of$ 170 billion from the troika, and avoid a disastrous default when its next wave of bonds come due in mid-March. 希腊必须迅速实施一系列的历史性改革,才能获取三方小组的最新拨付的1700亿美元资金,避免3月中旬下一批债券到期时可能引发的灾难性违约。
Fortunately Greece can fund itself for two more years on cheap borrowing from the troika before it faces restructuring that debt. 幸运的是,在今后两年时间内,希腊仍然可以获得三驾马车提供的低利率贷款,之后才需要进行债务重组。
In 2010, under orders from the troika, the Greek government enacted a new law that promised reform, but failed to deliver in practice. 2010年,根据三方小组的要求,希腊政府曾经通过了一项新的法律,承诺改革,但最终并未付诸实施。
I believe the answer to this complex economic challenge lies in focusing on a troika of principles: education, innovation, and productivity. 我认为,要解决这一复杂的经济难题,答案可以归结为三个缺一不可的要素:教育、创新与生产力。
Timur Nazardinov, chief trader at the Troika Dialogue Investment Bank in Moscow says the Georgian conflict accelerated the decline. 莫斯科投资银行TroikaDialogueInvestmentBank的首席交易员纳扎尔蒂诺夫(TimurNazardinov)指出,格鲁吉亚的武装冲突加快了俄国股市的下滑。
To achieve greater labour market flexibility, the troika should shift its focus towards promoting freer wage negotiations rather than on setting specific monetary and fiscal targets. 为了增强劳动力市场灵活性,三驾马车应该将其焦点从制定特定的货币和财政目标,转移到促进更加自由的工资谈判中。
Moreover, especially as the junior partner in the troika, it has to work with governments. 另外,特别是作为三驾马车(troika)中地位较低的合作伙伴,它不得不与各国政府合作。
But a draft report by the troika is optimistic, saying it would it would hit 144%. 但一份由“三驾马车”草拟的报告持乐观态度,称它会达到144%。
The purpose must therefore be to drive him from office, which will probably happen if Greek voters fear confrontation with the troika enough to vote yes next week. 而这么做可能是故意之举,所以其目的肯定是把他赶下台。如果希腊选民足够担心与三驾马车发生对抗,于是在下周投了赞成,齐普拉斯可能就要下台。
He may also be right to query the technical expertise of the troika. 他对三驾马车专业技术的质疑或许也是对的。
Under the tutelage of the troika, very little was achieved in confronting the oligarchs, or on tackling endemic tax avoidance. 在三驾马车的指导下,希腊在对付寡头或解决大范围避税方面鲜有成绩。
And next week the country will hold a referendum on whether to accept the demands of the troika the institutions representing creditor interests for yet more austerity. 下周,该国就会举行公投,决定是否接受三驾马车采取更多紧缩措施的要求。三驾马车代表的是债权人的利益。
Telling their partners that they would no longer deal with the troika the group representing the European Commission, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund caused offence. 原因是,他们告诉伙伴国,希腊将不再与三驾马车欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)、欧洲央行(ECB)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)协商。
The assistance will be limited to the banking system, without Spain entering a programme subject to the eurozone-International Monetary Fund troika. 援助将仅限于银行体系,西班牙不需要执行欧元区和国际货币基金组织(IMF)三驾马车要求的项目。
Investment, export and consumption are the troika for economic growth. 投资、出口和消费是经济增长的三驾马车。
My understanding of this is that such a culture gained strength over time as part of a troika of symbiotic relationships with the benign economic environment and inflating asset values. 我对此的理解是,作为与良性经济环境及资产价值上升所形成的三方共生关系的一部分,这种文化随着时间的推移变得越来越强势。
The troika is organising the first funeral of a European nation state, to replace it with a Teutonic company run by foreign professionals. 三驾马车正在操办欧洲国家的第一场葬礼,让一家由外国专业人士治理的日耳曼公司取而代之。
She added that they were still waiting for a report from the troika of officials from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, on how to meet a growing financing gap in Athens. 她补充说,他们仍在等待国际货币基金组织(IMF)、欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)以及欧洲央行(ECB)三方官员的一份报告,报告内容将是如何弥补希腊方面不断扩大的资金缺口。
Valery Nesterov, an energy analyst at Troika Dialog, the Moscow investment bank, said Gazprom had little interest in going through with the acquisition at the moment because of the squeeze on its revenues amid the crisis. 莫斯科投行TroikaDialog的能源分析师瓦雷利涅斯捷罗夫(ValeryNesterov)表示,由于金融危机带来的收入压力,Gazprom目前对于完成收购几乎毫无兴趣。
He also had opportunities to exchange views with EU Troika Foreign Ministers and relevant officials in charge in an in-depth manner on China-EU relations. 他在奥地利同欧盟三驾马车外长和欧盟有关负责官员就进一步发展中欧关系深入交换了意见。
Often it has meant watching in intense frustration at the public bickering among and between the two other troika members. 这一点通常意味着,在三驾马车中的另外两个成员内部和之间爆发公开争吵时,IMF只能怀着强烈的挫败感在一旁看着。
Both sides have agreed to wait for a detailed report from the so-called troika of international lenders to Greece before deciding how to proceed, officials said. 官员们表示,目前双方同意等待希腊的三大国际债权人提交一份详细报告,然后决定如何推进。
In the spring of1999, ACT's new troika sat down to discuss just how to venture into what's arguably the most controversial area in medicine today. 1999年春天,先进细胞技术公司的新三巨头开始讨论如何开展现代医学界最有争议的研究。
There is a deep and damaging lack of trust between Greece and the troika. 希腊和三驾马车之间严重缺乏信任,这是非常有害的。
Those who believe in carrying on with business as usual might as well suggest powering cars with a troika of horses. 那些主张因袭以往的经营者实际上无异于想用马匹来拉动汽车。
To save troubled Greece, a "troika" comprised of European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund launched two large-scale relief operations. 为解救危机中困难重重的希腊,由欧盟、欧洲中央银行和国际货币基金组织组成的三驾马车对其展开了两轮大规模的救助行动。