Prions are the infectious agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( TSEs), which are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases. 可传播性海绵状脑病是一类由朊病毒侵袭中枢神经系统而引起的致死性神经退行性疾病。
Some TSEs stick to a single species, while others ignore such boundaries. 有些TSEs只针对某一物种,而其他TSEs却设有种的界限。
Known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSEs, they arise spontaneously in species as varied as sheep, cattle, mink, deer and people. 如我们所知的传染性海绵状脑病(TSEs),在不同物种如羊、牛、水貂、鹿和人中同时存在。
The implications for vaccine safety of the emergence of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( TSEs) have received the attention of the Committee for several years. 某些传染性海绵状脑病(TSEs)的出现对疫苗安全会造成什么样的影响?数年来GACVS一直关注着这一问题。
Based on the protein only hypothesis, TSE is caused by the conversion of a normal cellular prion protein ( PrP~ C) into a pathogenic, infectious isoform, which has been commonly referred to as scrapie prion protein ( PrP~ Sc). TSEs由细胞型朊病毒蛋白PrP~C转变成致病型朊病毒蛋白PrP~(Sc)引起,因此也称朊病毒病。
Because of the structural characteristics of the rabbit prion protein ( RaPrPC) itself, rabbits are one of the few mammalian species that appear to be resistant to TSEs. 兔是为数不多的对TSE有抗性的哺乳动物之一,这种抗性被认为是来自兔朊蛋白(RaPrPc)结构的稳定。