The Reasons of Perioperative Complications in Aged Patients with Femoral Neck or Tuberositas Fracture 高龄股骨颈骨折和股骨粗隆部骨折围手术期并发症的原因分析
DHS Combined with Tuberositas Osteotomy for Coxa Adducta After Operations of Femoral Rotator Fracture DHS结合粗隆部截骨治疗股骨转子间骨折术后髋内翻畸形
Application of bone cement in the posterior approach surgical treatment for metastatic tumor of the thoracolumbar spine DHS Combined with Tuberositas Osteotomy for Coxa Adducta After Operations of Femoral Rotator Fracture 胸腰椎转移瘤后路手术中骨水泥的应用DHS结合粗隆部截骨治疗股骨转子间骨折术后髋内翻畸形
AO screw internal fixation for fracture of femoral tuberositas It is highly suggested axis radiograph of the knee with the tibiae tuberositas localization are helpful to early diagnosis. AO动力髁螺钉系统内固定治疗股骨粗隆部骨折采用的膝关节轴位胫骨结节定位投照法准确、易操作,有助于早期诊断。
Investigation of analgesic effect of midazolam injected into children's canalis sacralis It is highly suggested axis radiograph of the knee with the tibiae tuberositas localization are helpful to early diagnosis. 小儿骶管注射咪唑安定镇痛作用探讨采用的膝关节轴位胫骨结节定位投照法准确、易操作,有助于早期诊断。