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  1. Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of invigorating spleen and kidney, removing dampness and clearing away turbidness in treating gouty nephropathy.
  2. How to prevent and reduce turbidness in acid Sn plating bath
  3. The factors for the formation of turbidness in yellow wine are biological turbidness and non-biological turbidness, and biological turbidness compared with non-biological turbidness is easier to solve.
  4. Research on the Application of Tannin to Prevent Non-biological Turbidness in Yellow Rice Wine
  5. Reasons and improvements on turbidness of chloroacetic acid liquor
  6. The early turbidness of beer and its prevention and control
  7. Results: The CSF changes showed: no colour and turbidness, white blood cells were raised, lymphocytes and mononuclears being prevailed;
  8. Such flocculating agent holds many merits, such as stable quality, low turbidness after disposing water and least influenced by undisposed water's pH value, especially having the advantage of disposing low-turbid, sourish river water.
  9. Conclusion On the basis of common west medicine treatment, the additional treatment of Chinese drugs for invigorating spleen and kidney, removing blood stasis and clearing away turbidness could improve lipid metabolism abnormalities, clinic curative effect and renal function of CRF patients better.
  10. Congsheng Capsules, which possess the effects of nourishing the liver and kidney, clearing away toxins, dispelling turbidness and dredging meridians and collaterals, were used in this clinical study of treating vascular dementia.
  11. Experimental Study of the Effects of Hyperlipidemic Serum on the Culture of Mouse Celiac Macrophages in vitro and the Regulative Effects of TCM Drugs for Relieving Hepatic Depression and Removing Turbidness
  12. The interference of turbidness which is caused by thiourea and bone glue was corrected by dual wavelength measurement.
  13. Furthermore, short-time multiple and long-time regular irritation had no markedly influences on tested rabbit eyes, with cornea being transparent without turbidness and iris clarity, no conjunctiva hyperemia, edema and secreta.
  14. Pathogenic Turbidness-Damp and the Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Sterility
  15. Effect of Therapeutics of Invigorating Spleen and Kidney, Removing Blood Stasis and Clearing away Turbidness on Lipid Metabolism and Renal Function in Patiens with Chronic Renal Failure
  16. This paper analysed hazards and resulting reasons of Sn4+ in acid Sn plating bath, and proposed methods of preventing and reducing turbidness in the bath.
  17. Results Totally 12 eyes were included, 8 eyes were misdiagnosed as uveitis, 1 eye as cataract and 3 eyes as vitreous turbidness.
  18. In this paper, the reason of early biological turbidness of beer has been synthetically analyzed, and the prevention and control method has been suggested.
  19. Simulate experiment, which rice wine was aerated and added with H2O2, and the content analyses showed that the oxygen dissolved in rice wine reacting with amyloses, proteins and tannin may produce the visible turbidness ( oxidizing sedimentation).
  20. The second is nitrite, DO, turbidness and pH;
  21. During the preserved period, the preserved solution of all groups were transparent, there was no turbidness. pH value was maintained at 7.2-7.4, the bacterial culture was negative.



  1. muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended

      Synonym:    turbidity