Obesity topped the list of top seasonal turn-offs, with excess hair ( 34%), bad skin ( 18%) and bad breath ( 11%) also named as sources of domestic strife. 调查发现体重增长位列分手排行榜榜首,其它会惹怒你的爱人的种种因素还包括:毛发过多(占34%)、皮肤糟糕(占18%)和口臭(占11%)。
Many of this season's must-buy items are celebrities'favorites, either in street photos or on the red carpet, but are considered total turn-offs in a survey by the website MSN. 这些所谓确当季必败单品,无论在街拍还是在红毯上都有极高的出镜率。但MSN网站的一个调查显示,男人们却对这些华而不实的单品相当不感冒。