[ Results] The aqueous extract of cudweed significantly prolonged the tussive delitescence of mice, decreased the tussive times of guinea pigs and increased the secretion of mouse 'trachea induced by phenol red. [结果]鼠曲草水提物可延长小鼠、豚鼠的咳嗽潜伏期和减少咳嗽次数;增加小鼠气管纤毛对酚红的分泌排出量。
The effects of cough relieving and sputum elimination were observed by the ammonia water-induced tussive mice and excretion of phenol red in the airway of mice. 以小鼠氨水引咳法、小鼠酚红排泄法观察其止咳祛痰作用;