We all spent a lot of time tut-tutting about Angie and her lifestyle 我们都没少对安吉和她的生活方式啧啧非议。
There was tut-tutting about American profligacy. 中国对美国的肆意挥霍发出了不满的啧啧声。
There is still some tut-tutting about Chinese customs-the elbows on the table, the lack of familiarity with flushing loos-but if it were not for these visitors, the tourist trade in the area would be half-dead. 现在仍有一些关于中国习俗的抱怨:如用餐时将手肘搭在桌上,不熟悉抽水马桶的使用,但若不是因为有这些游客,该地区的旅游业将会陷入半死不活的境地。