He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann's return anxiously 他仍然焦虑不安,我们担心地等着安回来。
Afraid of bad publicity, the department had suddenly become very twitchy about journalists. 该部门害怕出现负面宣传,在面对记者时突然变得手足无措。
But there are considerable challenges: high quality graphics crush data pipes, and twitchy responses in fast-paced games can suffer because of network lag. 当然,这种模式也存在巨大的挑战:高质量图像可能导致数据通道崩溃,而由于网络延迟,快节奏游戏的响应速度可能变成一场梦魇。
The digital revolution has made people twitchy and nervous, he says, which explains the interest in mindfulness. 他表示,数字革命让人们变得紧张和惶恐,这解释了人们对于正念的兴趣。
You know how twitchy these slipstream drives can be. 你知道这些滑流装置能有多么的不稳定。
Understandably, the European Space Agency is twitchy about its investment. 想当然的,欧洲太空总署对这项投资焦躁不安。
In a world grown increasingly twitchy about the rise of sovereign wealth funds, the investment is clever in two respects. 在人们对主权财富基金的崛起越来越不安之际,这项投资的聪明之处体现在两个方面。
Lying often leaves us nervous and twitchy, and complicated fictions can lead to depression and poor immune function. 撒谎总是让我们紧张、焦虑不安,复杂的谎言甚至能够导致抑郁和免疫系统功能下降。
If there is one thing that gets investors twitchy, it is the fear that China is losing its appetite for US government bonds. 要说眼下有什么事情会让投资者惴惴不安,那就是害怕中国正对美国国债失去胃口。
If Finland, Russia's immediate neighbour, feels twitchy enough to think about joining NATO, that may ignite debate in Sweden. 如果俄罗斯的近邻芬兰痛定思痛决定加入北约,则会引起瑞典国内的争论。
Even more objectionable is what obsessing over klout scores does to people: it makes them twitchy and stupid. 更讨厌的是,对klout分数的高度关注让人变得神经兮兮、愚不可及。
He's definitely twitchy about something. 他肯定在烦些什么。
Oh, he felt me breathing, and it's making him twitchy. 哦,他感受到我的呼吸了,现在让他有点紧张了。
They are getting distinctly twitchy. 他们显然越来越焦急不安。
The riot police look twitchy. 防暴警察似乎开始焦躁不安。
Never trust a bunny with directions, twitchy. 特维奇,不要再相信兔子给你指的路了。
Against a background of trade friction and currency volatility stemming from the differential stages of development of the world's two largest economies, investors were twitchy about imbalances. 当时美日两个全球最大的经济体处于不同的发展阶段,因而产生了贸易摩擦和货币波动,在此背景下,投资者对贸易失衡感到不安。
But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm. 但是,这样的行为会将人们变为人人自危、记旧账和指责。
As a twitchy person, I greatly enjoyed playing with it while I worked. When my boss was walking by, he would put up his hands for me to toss it to him, and then toss it back. 我是个坐不住的人,工作之余,玩玩球感觉很是过瘾。老板走过时,总是举双手示意我把球扔给他,而后他再把球扔回来。
After a few hushed gasps, a twitchy silence enveloped the bus, as the man with the handkerchief edged his way down the aisle, jabbing a knife at passengers and repeatedly yelling in Spanish: Everything! 几声低沉的喘气过后,一种恐慌的寂静笼罩了大巴,因为脸蒙手帕的人慢慢地走过大巴过道,用刀指着乘客,不停地用西班牙语叫喊:交出所有的东西!