n. (汽车等的)U形转弯,180度转弯; (政策、行为上令人尴尬的)彻底转变,180度大转变 U-turn的复数
N-COUNT U型转弯;180度转弯;掉头 If you make a U-turn when you are driving or cycling, you turn in a half circle in one movement, so that you are then going in the opposite direction.
Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back... 她猛地掉转车头,往回开。
Eventually, he turned off the main route and suddenly did a U-turn. 最后,他驶离主道,来了一个急掉头。
N-COUNT (政治家在政策、计划、行动方面的)180度大转弯,彻底转变 If you describe a change in a politician's policy, plans, or actions as a U-turn, you mean that it is a complete change and that they made the change because they were weak or were wrong.
...a humiliating U-turn by the Prime Minister. 首相极不光彩的180度大转变
...the U-turns he made on economic policy and pit closures. 他在经济政策和煤窑关闭方面的那些180度大转变
Discontent over tax rises previously broadly accepted in France has forced the government into a string of U-turns. 对增税的不满迫使政府的一系列政策逆转,此前法国人普遍接受了增税措施。
Unfortunately for the driver, this was not the ordinary white fencing that local governments in many Chinese towns install to discourage bad behavior by motorists, such as unexpected U-turns and abrupt lurches into oncoming traffic. 对司机来说,很不幸的是,这并不是在中国很多城镇都可以看到的普通白色护栏。这种白色护栏主要是为了防止随意调头、突然驶入逆向车道等不良驾驶行为。
The unions might also sense weakness in David Cameron, who has developed a reputation for policy U-turns. 工会也可能感到卡梅伦的弱点,卡梅伦制定了一项大转变的政策来赢得声誉。
It is like a one-way street with no U-turns. 就好比是一条禁止掉头的单行道。
Not many leaders can bear to perform their own U-turns. 不是很多领导人有气量逆转自己的决定。
And since many new things, perhaps most new things, turn out to be bad ideas, this means U-turns and embarrassments and all the other troubles that politicians and administrators dislike so intensely. 而事实上,许多新事物,或者说大多数新事物,都不是什么好主意,这也就意味着政策反复和其他尴尬情形。政客和管理者对这些麻烦都深恶痛绝。
Twice in the past year she has performed remarkable U-turns, and managed to persuade her party to follow her. 过去一年,她曾两次做出惊人的政策大转变,并成功说服她所在的政党遵从她的决定。
The course from our classroom discussion to a story to another story had so many u-turns and twists that you could never predict a thing. 他的课就是故事课,从课堂讨论到他的故事,再到提问,然后又回到一个新故事。
The prime minister stuck hard and fast to his policy of no U-turns in the government's economic plans. 首相坚持他的政府的经济计划不能大变动的政策。
– This sign indicates that u-turns are not allowed at the intersection where the sign is posted. 这个标志说明在标志所在的路口不准掉头。