The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian. 乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语。
Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of 'bravo' on the steps of the parliament 成千上万的乌克兰人聚集在议会门前高喊“好啊”。
That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers, Dynamo Moscow. 本场胜利使乌克兰人甩开了最强有力的对手,莫斯科迪那摩队。
In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported 在20世纪30年代,有几百万乌克兰人饿死或被驱逐出境。
Nazis preserved the collective-farm system, systematically carried out genocidal policies against Jews, and deported others ( mainly Ukrainians) to work in Germany. 纳粹在乌克兰保留了集体农庄制度,系统地执行了对犹太人的种族灭绝政策以及驱赶大批乌克兰人至德国成为苦力。
Other ethnic groups include Roma, Czechs, Ruthenians, Ukrainians, Germans and Poles. 其他民族包括罗马人、捷克人、鲁赛尼亚人、乌克兰人、德国人和波兰人。
The officially recognised ethnic minorities include: Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jews and Belarusians. 官方承认的少数民族有:德国人,乌克兰人,立陶宛人,犹太人和白俄罗斯人。
During World War II, Ukrainian nationalist underground fought both Nazi and Soviet forces, while others collaborated with the Nazis as the Germans were received as "liberators" by many Ukrainians. 第二次世界大战时期,乌克兰民族主义者通过地下斗争反抗纳粹和苏联军队,而那些和纳粹德国合作的人被很多乌克兰人称为“解放者”。
The Ukrainians accepted the challenge, and scored one goal after another amid the cheers of the Ukrainian spectators. 这支乌克兰球队答应了,在乌克兰观众喝采声中,接连进球得分。
Many Ukrainians think their country is in crisis. 很多乌克兰人认为他们的国家处于危险之中。
Ukrainians are establishing their identity as Europeans. 乌克兰人正在确立自己的欧洲人身份认同。
I don't want to absolve the Russians or Ukrainians of responsibility for their handling of the aftermath of communism, but the template they were handed by the fraternity of the Washington Consensus was based on fake history. 我不想免除俄罗斯或乌克兰人对社会主义余波的影响处理不当的责任。但他们抄袭的样板来自于达成华盛顿共识的各方,并基于一个虚假历史。
But Ukrainians say they want to preserve, rather than destroy. 但乌克兰人说,他们希望把这一切保留下来,而不是摧毁掉。
Sporadic violence has flared between Russians and Ukrainians in parts of eastern Ukraine. 乌克兰东部一些地方的俄罗斯人和乌克兰人之间已经出现零星暴力事件。
When Ukrainians took to the streets in 2004 and overturned an election marred by fraud, Mr Putin suspected a giant western intrigue to encircle Russia. 2004年,乌克兰人走上街头,推翻了一场被欺诈行为玷污的选举。普京当时怀疑,这是西方围堵俄罗斯的一个巨大阴谋。
Ukrainians are not Russians, as Mr Putin will have to admit. 普京将不得不承认的一点是,乌克兰人不是俄罗斯人。
If prosecutors opt to close the area to the public, there are likely to be many disappointed Ukrainians. 如果检察官选择关闭这块区域,许多乌克兰人很可能会非常失望。
The Ukrainians must not allow themselves to be provoked by an Emperor who has no clothes. 乌克兰不应让自己受到一个没穿衣服的皇帝的煽动。
But the Ukrainians have accused the Russians of deliberately setting unfair terms to penalize the government in Kiev for tying itself more closely to the West. 但乌克兰人控诉称,为了惩罚与西方关系愈发密切的位于基辅的乌国政府,俄方故意设置了不公平的条件。
Until a few weeks ago, Ukrainians did not even know this place existed. 就在几个星期前,乌克兰人甚至还不知道这个地方的存在。
And yet, to my surprise, all Ukrainians I spoke to insisted on their hopefulness. 然而,让我意外的是,与我交谈的乌克兰人仍满怀希望。
Most Ukrainians I spoke to smoked throughout the conversation. 我在与乌克兰人交谈时,他们大多烟不离手。
This was followed by elections in which Ukrainians rejected candidates supporting Nato membership, and where the victorious government negotiated a relationship with Moscow which, for the moment at least, has removed the indirect threat to Russian gas supplies to the European Union. 接着,在总统大选中,乌克兰拒绝了支持加入北约的总统候选人,获胜的政府与俄罗斯就两国关系展开了谈判,至少就目前而言,这消除了针对俄罗斯向欧盟供应天然气的间接威胁。
NATO membership for Ukraine is opposed by a large majority of Ukrainians. 乌克兰加入北约的问题受到大多数乌克兰人的反对。
Persistent anti-Ukrainian propaganda on Russian state television also turns eastern Ukrainians against the current Russian regime. 此外,俄罗斯国家电视台持续不断的反乌宣传,也把东乌克兰人推到了俄罗斯现政府的对立面。
Most Ukrainians see the trial as political, but they are too disillusioned to trust opposition leaders. 大多数乌克兰人将审讯当做是政治化的,但是他们太灰心,以至于无法相信在野党领袖。
Ukrainians, who enjoyed visa-free travel to Poland, now face bureaucratic hurdles. 曾享受波兰免签证待遇的乌克兰人现在遇到了官僚方面的障碍。
Yet for all the disillusion in the orange camp, Ukrainians gave it one more chance in the parliamentary election on september30th. 然而,乌克兰人民在经历橙色革命醒悟之后,他们在今年9月30日的议会选举中给了季莫申科又一次机会。
Jews on Auschwitz; Russians on the siege of Leningrad; Ukrainians on the great famine. 犹太人关注奥斯维辛,俄罗斯人关注列宁格勒围城战,乌克兰人关注那次大饥荒。