The structure and function of the ultimobranchial body of Crucian Carp Carassius auratus 鲫鱼后鳃体结构与功能的研究
The influence of the ultimobranchial body of crucian carp on the serum calcium of rats 鲫鱼后鳃体对大白鼠血钙水平的影响
The calcitonin is a peptide hormone that regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphate, secreted by the parafollicular or C cells in the thyroid gland of mammal or ultimobranchial body in non-mammalian vertebrates such as fish and bird. 降钙素(calcitonin,CT)是由哺乳动物的甲状腺滤泡旁细胞(C细胞)或鱼、鸟等其它脊椎动物的后鳃体分泌的一种调节钙磷代谢的多肽激素。
Copp discovered calcitonin as a kind of hypocalcemic principal in 1960 's. It was secreted by parafollicular cells of the thyroid in mammals or ultimobranchial body in fish. 十九世纪六十年代,降钙素作为一种降血钙的物质被copp发现。它在哺乳动物中起源于甲状腺C细胞,在鱼类中后腮体分泌。