As a consequence, many people consider accessible design to be unaffordable, and therefore, harmful to product competitiveness. 所以,许多人认为易访问设计是负担不起的,因此,对产品竞争力不利。
As with many enterprise critical applications," big bang "replacement was unaffordable and disruptive. 和很多企业关键应用程序一样,大规模进行替换费用太高,且会带来干扰。
Campbell Robb, Chief Executive at Shelter, said: 'Londoners living in the Olympic boroughs are already suffering from increasingly unaffordable rents, a lack of stability and a minority of rogue landlords who exploit the high demand for homes in the capital. 庇护所的执行长坎贝尔-罗伯说:居住在奥运场馆附近的伦敦人已经承受了飞涨的房租,生活缺乏稳定,还有少数粗暴的房东利用伦敦的住房高需求谋利。
Almost everybody underestimated the vulnerability, the Conservative leadership among them: pre-crisis, it committed itself to continuing the plans that Mr Cameron now calls reckless and unaffordable. 几乎所有人都低估了经济的脆弱性,保守党领导层也不例外:在危机前,它延续了如今被卡梅伦称为不顾后果、无法承担的计划。
Cities are becoming unaffordable for anyone else. 除了这些人,住在城市的开销正逐渐超过其他任何人的承受力。
They will be unaffordable for individuals in 10 years 'time, says fashion auctioneer Kerry Taylor, whose fashion and textiles sale kicked off the international fashion auction season this month. 10年之后,他们当初设计的时装价位让私人藏家望而却步,时装拍卖商凯丽?泰勒(KerryTaylor)说。本月,她的时装与纺织品拍卖会拉开了今冬国际时装拍卖会的序幕。
Property prices have spiked dramatically, making it unaffordable for many Chinese to buy. And studies have found that the rapid rise of China's home prices is linked to its widening gender imbalance. 房价长期上涨,已超出了很多中国人的承受范围。一些研究发现,中国房价的飙升与日益扩大的男女比例失衡有关。
The temptation to use the euro zone to defend unaffordable privileges will be strong. 利用欧元区来保护负担不起的特别待遇这一趋势会逐渐加强。
Unreformed welfare systems have not only become unaffordable in an age of large deficits but they have become increasingly difficult to defend when they have trapped millions in dependency and joblessness. 福利体系迟迟未进行改革,不但在这个巨额赤字时代已无法维系,而且由于它使数百万人产生依赖,不再去工作,已经越来越没有理由为自己辩护了。
Not only were public pensions systems becoming unaffordable in Asia, they were also inadequate for most pensioners, it said. 报告称,亚洲国家不仅在逐渐变得无力支付公共养老金,并且对大多数领取养老金生活的人来说,当前数额已显不足。
Adverse selection could cause insurance companies to incur extraordinary losses or it could boost insurance premium to levels that would be unaffordable for many people. 逆向选择可能给保险公司带来巨大的损失,或者会使保险公司把保费提高到许多人不能支付的程度。
Essential life saving medicines may become either unavailable or unaffordable. 挽救生命的基本药物可能会出现要么断货要么价格过于昂贵的这种状况。
High prices often make medicines unaffordable, with common treatments costing the lowest paid government worker several days'wages. 高价位通常使药品难以承受,一般性的治疗会耗费掉工资最低的政府工作人员几天的薪水。
Yesterday, a judge allowed the automaker to sell off its most unaffordable brands, its dealerships and plants. 昨日,一名法官称,通用公司已经可以变卖自己经营不起的品牌,商标和工厂。
Not only has housing become unaffordable, but "you open the rich list and all these property developers are on it". 不仅住房成了难以负担的开支,“你翻开富豪榜,还会发现所有这些地产开发商都在上面”。
Housing in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is the most unaffordable in the country, according to a study to be published today, with prices equivalent to 16 times annual income. 今日即将公布的一项研究显示,在英国,伦敦肯辛顿区(kensington)和切尔西区(chelsea)的住宅最让人买不起,房价相当于年收入的16倍。
Currency depreciation would substantially overshoot, making foreign goods unaffordable, especially as policy institutions have no credibility. 货币将大幅贬值,人们无力购买外国商品,尤其是在政策机构毫无信用可言的情况下。
Or the social contract can be reneged on through an announcement that previously understood commitments are now unaffordable. 如果宣称以前理解的承诺如今负担不起了,社会契约就会遭到违背。
Eliminate the unaffordable interest-rate subsidy. 消除不可负担的利率补贴。
In the biggest cities like Beijing and Shanghai, prices have risen so much that for many people most properties are now unaffordable. 在像北京上海这样的大城市里,房价的过快增长,使大部分市民买不起房子。
Indeed, according to the Halifax, the UK's largest mortgage lender, 80 per cent of Britain's667 main towns were unaffordable for most people hoping to buy their first home last year. 实际上,据英国最大的按揭银行哈里费克斯(Halifax)统计,去年希望首次购房中的大多数,无力购买英国667座主要城镇中80%的住房。
A job for life is now a rarity; nine-to-five careers are history; defined benefit pensions are an unaffordable relic that will disappear from both private and public sectors in due course. 如今,终身工作已相当罕见;朝九晚五的职业已成为历史;固定养老金成了负担不起的遗留物,终有一天会从私人部门和公共部门消失。
In the emerging world too much cash goes to universal fuel subsidies that disproportionately favour the wealthy ( in Asia) and unaffordable pensions that favour the relatively affluent ( in Latin America). 在新兴世界,资金过多地流向了两个方面:一是亚洲普遍存在的燃油补贴(不成比例地偏向富裕阶层);二是拉丁美洲那难以负担的养老金(偏向相对富足的群体)。
The downside: The city is still unaffordable for many, and the less-pricey suburbs can impose enervating commutes. 不利方面:对许多人来说生活成本仍然太高,郊区房价虽然没那么贵,但上下班很累。
For many people, a balanced diet or iron supplements are often unaffordable. 而且对许多人来说往往负担不起均衡的饮食或铁补充剂。
Perhaps the government's drive to build more affordable housing is offsetting a slowdown in unaffordable housing. 也许政府推动保障房建设的动因在于抵消非保障房销售的下降。
Levels of welfare provision are unaffordable; government finance is a huge Ponzi scheme. 现在提供的福利水平已到了负担不起的地步,政府财政是一场巨大的庞氏骗局。
We must also address the forces making the healthcare system unaffordable and inefficient. 我们还必须应对那些令医疗体系变得无法负担和效率低下的因素。
We believe that, in the private market, catastrophe risk is uninsurable and unaffordable; 我们认为纯市场框架内,巨灾风险不可保且难于负担;