Not to be creepy, but if you want to stare at someone unashamedly, look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes. 不要看起来很吓人,但是,如果你想要厚颜无耻地盯着某人,在经过他们身旁时,直视他们。等着他们尝试与你对视。
Yet it is the unashamedly politically incorrect comments he makes that have attracted the most attention over the years. 不过他最引人注目的却是在政治社交圈中的口无遮拦。
It is, gloriously and unashamedly, about money and fun. 它堂而皇之且无愧坦然地只关乎金钱和欢乐。
She is one of the few women to have made it to the top of a business school, to be sure, but the dean of the University of Strathclyde Business School, in Glasgow, also unashamedly pursues the practical alongside the academic. 无可否认,她是为数不多的成功升任一家商学院院长的女性之一,但在追求学术成就的同时,她也问心无愧地讲求实际。
David, the younger by three years, speaks unashamedly of his struggle to keep up with the high-achieving James, his emotions swinging from pride and love to envy and hate. 年幼三岁的弟弟大卫,谈到他用尽各种手段追赶他成绩突出的哥哥詹姆士,一点也不害臊。他的情感倒是一直都在尊严与爱和嫉妒与恨之间摇摆。
This is an artistic programme with an unashamedly broader social scope. 何鸿毅的艺术计划大胆的展现出了更广阔的社会视野。
He unashamedly abandoned the project when he realized he would not gain from it. 当他意识到他不能从那个方案中获益时,他无耻地放弃了。
Ranged against them was the old Tory party, which unashamedly backed the landed interest. 与他们相对的是托利党,曾厚颜无耻地支持拥有土地的利益集团。
"Sometimes people talk about the partnership in slightly quaint ways, about it being almost like a cosy philanthropic movement, but actually the partnership is unashamedly a business," says Mr Mayfield. “有时候,人们以一种奇怪的方式谈论合伙制,几乎把它说成是一种亲切的慈善运动,但事实上,可以理直气壮地说合伙制就是一种企业形式,”梅菲尔德说。
He rigged political appointments unashamedly. 他厚颜无耻地操纵了政治职位的任命。
As goalkeeper broke down its tears at the final whistle, millions of men, women and children wept unashamedly with him. 比赛结束的哨声响起时,守门员忍不住流下了热泪。与他一同毫无顾忌潸然泪下的数百万的男女老少。
Mr Sullivan writes eloquently about music, and is unashamedly "under the tragic spell of the South". 沙利文有关音乐的写作极富感染力,而且毫不掩饰他深受“美国南方悲剧魅力”的影响。
Instead, his bank has stuck to its strengths, unashamedly taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits. 实际上,高盛保留了实力,坦然地利用低利率和危机过后的竞争减少,获得了巨额的交易利润。
His view, held strongly and unashamedly, that the violence should stop. 他的观点强烈而公然地认为要停止暴力。
We see UFOs, engage in channeling, spirit contact, out-of-body experiences, mindquests – all these eccentric ideas have a scientific veneer, but they are unashamedly irrational. 我们观看飞碟,热衷于通灵术、灵魂接触、魂游体外、心智探险活动&所有这些古怪思想都披着一层科学外衣,这些思想真是荒谬之极,他们竟然丝毫不觉羞耻。