In an uncannily human-like show of emotion, the female appears to dish out some tough love to her offspring. 这只雌性袋鼠表现出了让人诧异的人类情感:对子女严厉的爱。
Kane as a character turned out to be uncannily prophetic of Welles's own life. 凯恩这个角色被证明是威尔斯自己生活的神秘预示。
The voice sounded uncannily familiar. 这个声音听起来不知为什么那样熟悉。
It helped that Wang Qimin is an uncannily supple dancer, with a technique so precise she can create whatever physical metaphors she chooses. 王启敏柔软得令人感到神秘惊异,她的技术如此精确,以至于可以塑造任何她选择的隐喻性的角色。
His judgment proved uncannily accurate: by the end of his career the hits far outweighed the misses. 可如今在他生涯尽头回首往昔,他的决断总是鬼使神差般地准确:正确的预测远多于失手。
While the financial network looked diversified, individual finance houses had pursued strategies uncannily similar to each other meaning that all were vulnerable to collapse once the system reached a "tipping point". 虽然金融体系看上去具有多样化,但各个金融机构执行的策略都惊人地相似这意味着,一旦整个体系达到“临界点”,所有机构都很容易倒闭。
He looks uncannily like a hybrid of Tintin and Harry s.truman. 他看起来不可思议,像是“丁丁”和杜鲁门两个形象的混合。
Writing on Easter island, called rongo-rongo writing, is also undeciphered, and is uncannily similar to the Mohenjodaro script. 复活节岛上的手稿就叫做荣戈荣戈经文,也是未被破译,与摩亨佐达罗的手稿惊人地相似。
He looked uncannily like someone I knew. 他酷似我认识的一个人。
In2001, Swiss Post produced a scratch-and-sniff stamp which looked uncannily like a square of chocolate on an open foil wrapper. 2001年,瑞士邮政局发行了一种经过摩擦就可以发出香味的邮票,它令人吃惊的象一块用箔纸敞开包装的巧克力。
Mostly bald, except for white, half of ring of hair, he had a pointed pink head uncannily like the narrow end of an egg. 他的头几乎秃光了,除了象光轮一样的一圈稀疏白发,他那粉红的头颅活象鸡蛋的尖端。
He acts as the adviser for nine uncannily similar brothers who are remarkably inept samurai. 在“穿心剑”中,他扮演一名导师,指导9名既怪异又相当笨拙的武士。影片的动作设计,很搞笑;
This is uncannily parallel by the way to the rationalization for slaves in Greek culture. 这与希腊文化中对蓄奴的辩护,有异曲同工之妙。