ADV 随便地;突然地;唐突地 If someone or something is removed, left, or put somewhere unceremoniously, this is done in a sudden or rude way that shows they are not thought to be important.
She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election... 她被人踢掉了,取而代之的是一个能够赢得选举的领导人物。
He had to be bundled unceremoniously out of the way. 他被人粗鲁地推搡到了一边。
She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election 她被人踢掉了,取而代之的是一个能够赢得选举的领导人物。
He had to be bundled unceremoniously out of the way. 他被人粗鲁地推搡到了一边。
Even so, Carol Bartz, who was unceremoniously ousted from struggling Yahoo recently and resigned from the tech company's board, remains on Cisco's ( CSCO) board of directors. 最近,风雨飘摇的科技公司雅虎公司毫不客气地辞退了卡罗尔•巴茨,她也辞去了在雅虎公司董事会的职务。但即便如此,她依然是思科(Cisco)董事会成员。
It was unceremoniously bought and folded into Rhapsody, a competing music subscription service. 它被粗暴地收购后,并入了竞争对手&音乐订阅服务商Rhapsody。
Bartz was fired unceremoniously –-Bostock broke the news to her via phone. 雅虎董事长伯斯托克通过电话里向巴茨宣布这个决定,巴茨的心情也自然不会好受。
He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of a lantern, which I seized unceremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern. 他坐在说话听得见的近处,借着一盏提灯的光在挤牛奶,我就毫无礼貌地把提灯抢过来,大喊着我明天把它送回来,便奔向最近的一个边门。
The problem is that CTRL+ C unceremoniously ends the server without calling the destroy closure. 问题在于CTRL+C会突然停止服务器,而不调用destroy闭包。
The poets, once so praised, are tamped unceremoniously together in our textbooks, in one curt chapter. 那些名噪一时的诗人,在今天的教科书里,已被毫不客气地挤在一起,列为短短的一章。
Any air left in the Irish property bubble was unceremoniously ejected this week, as Brian Lenihan, Irish finance minister, revealed the "black hole" at the heart of Irish banking. 爱尔兰房地产无论还剩下多少泡沫,现在都已被粗暴地刺破本周,该国财长布赖恩勒尼汉(brianlenihan)透露了位于爱尔兰银行业核心的“黑洞”。
As for outflows of Chinese money into global markets, the so-called through train, allowing mainlanders to buy Hong Kong equities was unceremoniously binned. 谈到中国内地资金向全球市场的外流,允许内地投资者购买港股的所谓直通车计划,被匆匆搁置。
He was unceremoniously removed from the list of members, for gross misconduct. 他因明显的行为不轨而被不客气地从成员名单上去掉了。
Her bowing and waving were abruptly halted when Pittypat entered the room, panting as usual from climbing the stairs, and jerked her away from the window unceremoniously. 她突然停止点头和挥手了,因为皮蒂帕特已走进屋来她像平常那样因爬楼梯而气喘吁吁,并且很不礼貌地把她从窗口拉开。
They were bowed out of the room I was escorted unceremoniously to the door. 他们被恭敬地送出房门。很无礼地把我逐出门外。
The chief can turf them out unceremoniously if he takes a dislike to them. 如果首领不喜欢他们,就可以随便地把他们赶出去。
He sat down on a bench, unceremoniously, doggedly, like a man in trouble. 他在一张长凳上坐了下去,显得不拘礼仪,固执己见,象一个心烦意乱的人。
Surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner. 举止上令人惊讶的随便、唐突。
Before the baby was born, you could afford to ignore night-time shrieks from the toddler, or unceremoniously bundle her back to bed. 在小女儿出生前,你可以忽略大女儿夜里的尖叫,或者随便地把她赶回床上去。
Those lucky individuals who are merely taken prisoner are unceremoniously herded into holding camps, hemmed in by barbed wire for an indefinite duration. 那些只不过沦为俘虏的幸运的人被随便地赶进有刺铁丝网包围的拘留营不定期地关押起来。
Get rid of unceremoniously or irresponsibly. He chops the machine about. 随便地或无责任感地除去。他随便地把这部机器拆散了。
We were unceremoniously thrown out from there. 我们被悄悄地抛出。
The project was unceremoniously dumped and Chinese investors went back to speculating in the domestic real estate market. 这个项目以不体面的方式被叫停,而中国投资者又重回国内房地产市场进行投机。
It is worthwhile to examine why he had such stature in his own day. The poets, once so praised, are lumped unceremoniously together in our textbooks. 研究一下他何以能在生前名噪一时也还是值得的。那些名噪一时的诗人,在今天的教科书里,已被毫不客气地混为一谈。