
adj.  不整合的; 不顺从的,不服从的; 不相(适,整)合的;不一致的;不相称的



  1. You found out it's unconformable of using western toilet.
  2. Chengdao area is abundant in multifarious migration pathways as fault, sand body and unconformable surface, which compose a solid migration pathway.
  3. The buried hill tuff oil pool of Hanan Oilfield has an unconformable contact with overlying sandstone of Aershan Group.
  4. If it deems the application unconformable to requirements, it shall notify the parties concerned in writing and state the reasons.
  5. The geological characterization of unconformable screened reservoir is different from that of ordinary reservoir, so the geological design technologies of horizontal well are different too.
  6. Systematic research on the theory and method of disciplinary assessment is basically a virgin ground in China, which is unconformable to its important status in scientific assessment.
  7. Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded.
  8. A description unconformable to previous accounts.
  9. At the latest stage, the lake basin was subjected to the uplift and erosion, which resulted in the unconformable contact with the overlying strata.
  10. These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation.
  11. The fault, fracture, unconformable surface and reservoir are the major channels of hydrocarbon migration in gentle slope belt.
  12. The study indicates that the regional unconformable and sedimentary transformation interfaces are the main interfaces of ⅲ-order sequence.
  13. The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap.
  14. The basal unconformable boundary is the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of this area.
  15. The resource of natural gas in Jiyang Depression is abundant. The primary factors controlling gas reservoir forming include gas source, reservoir, temperature, pressure, fault, unconformable surface, regional cap and direct cap.
  16. The so-called "unconformable contact relationship" developed generally between Mid-Lower Triassic turbidite sequences and Paleozoic carbonate sequences in western Guangxi is an important and controversial geological problem.
  17. And the unconformable contaet face is lower sliding surface.
  18. In the light of the unconformable status of the rapid Internet growth with the Internet infrastructure, the idea of rebuilding today's Internet infrastructure and developing a new generation of Internet came up.
  19. From middle Miocene to late Miocene there is a stage of peneplanation in the South China Sea and there are many tectonic events in this area, such as stratum unconformable contact, faults, deformation and magmatism.
  20. It is put forward that the forming of the detachment buried hill is controlled by the sloping plateau-type fault of basin boundary which distributes as belt along boundary. Unconformable surface-type and internal curtain-type reservoir systems form several sets of effective reservoirs.
  21. Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment, Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete, lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed, and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed.
  22. According to the unconformable contact resulted from "Anxian" tectonic movement and the changeable accommodation of foreland basin, the lithological and sequences strata of Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic in Chuanxi foreland basin were classified and correlated.
  23. Tectonism, under which depositional break and unconformable surface were formed through tectonic uplifts mainly, promoted the development of karst reservoir and all kinds of solution voids pores near the joints and fractures.
  24. And mixed water mainly come from fresh water and sea water and thermal water came from mixed water sealed in early layer and deep hydrothermal fluid migrating along faults and unconformable surfaces caused by later tectonic movement.
  25. The contact between the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is unconformable.
  26. The boundaries of every sequence in the lithostratigraphic framework are all ⅱ type sequence unconformable boundaries.
  27. But in two different types of unconformable contact the shape of ore body and the place of mineral deposits are different.
  28. Late Yanshan stage was compressive crust deformation which not only formed the wedge-type thrust structure but also caused upper Cretaceous Series unconformable contact with lower Cretaceous Series.
  29. Fault and unconformable surface are not only the migration passage of gas, but also the component of gas trap.
  30. Owing to the influence of tectonic superimposition and reworking at the late stage, both show fault or hidden unconformable contact relationships at present.



  1. not correspondent
    1. a description unconformable to previous accounts