There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims. 这类声明中有些东西绝对是凭空臆测。
Torquay is undeniably continental. 无可否认,托基具有典型的欧陆风情。
Jet travel is undeniably fatiguing. 毋庸置疑,乘飞机旅行是令人疲惫的。
It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders 不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。
She was close to both of her parents and was undeniably shaken by their divorce 她和父母的关系都很亲近,因此毫无疑问,他们的离婚对她打击很大。
There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking. 不可否认,他的思想很有理论深度。
But undeniably, some news publishing agencies over-pursue economic benefits and the so-called sensationalism and overlook social benefits. A few of them entirely forget the social responsibility resting on their shoulders. 但不可否认的是,一些新闻出版单位过分地追求经济效益和所谓的轰动效应,而忽略了社会效益,少数新闻出版从业人员忘记了肩上沉甸甸的社会担当。
For the first time in a long time, I feel completely and undeniably wide awake. 这么长时间以来我第一次感觉到我完完全全确定无疑的醒了。
The dish was tasty and undeniably fresh, though the pan-frying seemed to add neither real texture nor flavor. 这道菜非常美味,也十分新鲜,不过平锅油煎的烹饪方法似乎并未增加实质口感和味道。
Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. 生活有时候困难得难以置信,但又不容置疑。
Yet there was something undeniably riveting and enlightening about watching the artist at work. 但不可否认的是,观看工作中的艺术家是引人入胜的、给人启发的。
Donation made to approved organization Undeniably, no organisation starts off with no structure. 捐与认可慈善机构的捐款无可否认,没有一个机构,是从无结构中萌芽的。
China remains – undeniably – a developing country. 不可否认,中国仍是个发展中国家。
Undeniably, more and more people begin to care about this mysterious object& UFO. 不可否认的是,越来越多的人们开始关心UFO这个神秘的物体。
Luck was undeniably on our side. 无可否认,我们的运气不错。
US stocks have undeniably done well in the third year of a presidency. 不可否认,美国股市在总统任职第三年向来表现良好。
Their intentions had been so undeniably commercial. 他们的意图是如此无法否认地以获利为目的。
The suit was undeniably smart: but it was the smartness of the nightclub rather than the boardroom. 红色西服无疑属于正装,但那是夜总会的正式着装,而不是会议室的。
He was a tall, dark and undeniably handsome man. 他是一个身材高大、肤色黝黑、无可否认的英俊男子。
Undeniably this scandal made her better known, but Zhai had to taste the bitterness of fame. 不可否认的是这个丑闻使她被更多人所认识,但是她也要品尝到成名的辛酸。
The results were undeniably impressive. 不可否认,结果给人留下了深刻印象。
Undeniably, the news is grim. 不可否认,这些新闻是令人不快的。
Undeniably, he is not a technical round of the club, but his four years, enough time to temper his. 不可否认,他现在并不是一个技术全面的前锋,但四年的时间足够他磨炼自己的了。
Nevertheless, it is undeniably true that financial reporting requirements have heavily influenced management accounting practice. 虽然如此,做财务报告所需材料已经重影响管理会计实务无可否认已经成为事实。
Events in the world undeniably form a unidirectional sequence. 无可否认的,世界上发生的事件只有单向的顺序。
DNA analysis is undeniably better than other tests in analyzing mixed specimens and overcoming a variety of contaminants. 不可否认,在分析混和样本和克服各种各样的污染物方面,DNA分析比其他鉴定要好的多。
After a year like this, the balance of power between hedge funds and their investors has undeniably shifted. 在经历了这样的一年后,对冲基金及其投资者之间的力量平衡无疑已发生变化。
Government equity investments and taxpayer subsidy undeniably complicate good governance. 政府股权投资和财政补贴无疑会使良好的治理复杂化。
Automated trading has undeniably brought gains in liquidity and price efficiency, but these will count for little if the system remains susceptible to such damaging crashes. 不可否认,自动交易在一定程度上提升了流动性和价格效率,但如果交易系统仍动辄出现破坏性很大的崩溃,那么上述好处就可忽略不计。