The media is full of shock-horror headlines about under-age crime. 媒体上充斥着各种关于未成年人犯罪的骇人听闻的新闻标题。
Harry, son of heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles and his late ex-wife Princess Diana, earned a reputation when he was younger as a royal wild child after he admitted in 2002 dabbling in marijuana and under-age drinking. 哈里王子是英国王储查尔斯和已故前妻戴安娜王妃的小儿子,在年轻时就以放荡不羁著称。他在2002年承认吸食大麻,且未达法定年龄就饮酒。
Should I alert the company as a way of protecting other, possibly under-age, people in my building? 为了保护我这幢楼里的其他人可能是未成年人我应该提醒这个公司吗?
Last year a former deputy speaker of the Thai senate was jailed for molesting under-age girls. 去年一位泰国议会前任副发言人被指控对未成年女孩进行猥亵而入狱。
However, the charity has admitted that under-age girls will almost certainly obtain pills through the scheme by lying to them. 但提供药品的慈善机构承认,未成年少女也能够向他们撒谎,通过该计划得到药品。
GBG said an audit of the company found it failed to meet the standards required of a supplier by allegedly employing under-age workers in poor conditions and paying minimal wages. GBG称公司审计发现在雇佣未成年工人在恶劣的环境下工作,并付以低廉的工资是很难达到要求的标准的。
The advisory group also examines the possibilities of increasing sanctions, especially for the sale of under-age alcohol. 咨询小组还要探讨增加制裁,尤其是对未成年人售酒的制裁的可能性。
He takes a hard line on under-age drinking. 他对未到法定年龄的酗酒者采取强硬政策。
Imagine how absurd it was to fix a huge cumbersome canopy-like hairpiece on the head of an under-age little girl! 试想那样庞大笨重的凉棚头,顶在一些尚未全成人形的孩子们身上,究竟类乎不类呢?
But, controversially, bulk offers of cheap alcohol in supermarkets-widely regarded as one of the main sources of Britain's problems with under-age and excessive drinking-will not be affected. 但禁令本身争议,超市里销售的廉价酒仍然“逍遥法外”,而这被是英国未成年人酗酒的主要原因。
Despite playing for Italy at under-age level, he is still eligible to declare for the United States. 尽管比赛在意大利,根据年龄层次,他是否仍然有资格申报为美国。
Factories are tidied up when foreign investigators visit, under-age workers hidden or sent away. 工厂在外国考察团来临之前都会对工厂进行重新调整,童工会被藏匿或送往其它地方。
Tom Steinfatt of the University of Miami, who studies the trafficking of women and children in South-East Asia, says under-age prostitution has declined sharply in Cambodia. 研究东南亚妇女和儿童交易的迈阿密大学的TomSteinfatt表示,未成年人卖淫的数量在柬埔寨正急剧下降。
However, the33-year-old revealed to Marca that he is considering the possibility of making a return to his Spanish base, where he foresees working alongside the Madrid under-age sides. 然而,贝告诉马卡报说,他正在考虑以后回西班牙工作的可能性,希望能在马德里做青年球员培养工作。
Despite claims that it encourages under-age sex, medical journal The Lancet has called for compulsory Cancer jabs should be compulsory for schoolgirls. 尽管被认为有鼓励未成年性行为的嫌疑,医学杂志《柳叶刀》提倡在校女生必须进行强制性抗癌注射。
The under-age crimes have evidently been increasing in our city according to investigation and statistics. 据调查统计,我市未成年人犯罪在近几年一直呈明显上升趋势。
Dissecting results showed at treated area, there were 18 kinds of mice belonged to different kind, among them adult and under-age mouse that had reproduction ability were each one, and none female mouse that had procreation ability. 试验区剖检各类鼠18只,其中具有繁殖能力的成年雄性鼠和幼年鼠各为1只,没有发现具有繁殖能力的雌鼠;
Many factors being widespread in Chinese primary and high school education, such as wrong educational concept, unsuitable educational methods, bad management and low-quality teachers, cause the under-age students to break the law and commit crimes. 在我国中小学教育中,较普遍地存在着教育观念错位、教育方法失当、管理不善及教师素质低下等诱发未成年人违法犯罪的诸多因素。
Schools only take responsibility for fault in the case of personal injury compensation for under-age students on campus. 在校未成年学生人身损害赔偿,学校只承担过错责任。
On the status of the under-age under the divorce system of China 试论未成年子女在我国离婚制度中的地位
The discussion on the education of self-Preservation to the under-age citizen 论未成年公民的自我保护教育
The Application of the Principle of No-fault Liability to Under-age Students 'Accidents 论无过错责任原则在未成年学生伤害事故中的适用
Launch self-protection education pointedly, it's common responsibility of the country, the society and the family to optimize the social environment that the under-age citizen grows up healthy and sound. 未成年公民是国家的未来和希望,针对性地开展自我保护教育,优化未成年公民健康成长的社会环境,是国家、社会、家庭共同的责任。
Under-age Students Who Break the Law and Commit Crimes: Systematical Analyses on School's Effect 未成年人违法犯罪:学校作用因素的系统分析
Since 1990, the rate of under-age delinquency has been rising each year, the ages of them having been 2-3 years younger. 1990年以来,我国未成年人犯罪比例呈逐年上升趋势,犯罪初始年龄提前了2至3岁。
Schools undertake no statutory duty of guardianship for under-age students on campus since guardianship is the duty imposed on to the guardians by law. The responsibility of guardianship for these students should be taken by their parents. 监护是法律课加给监护人的义务,学校对未成年学生不负有法定的监护义务,在学校未成年学生的监护义务由其家长承担。