Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends. 未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒。
He was recently accused of hiring an underage prostitute. That's just not sexy. 他最近因与一名未成年妓女发生而遭指控,这可真令人倒胃口。
Apple said the child workers are now no longer being used, or are no longer underage. 苹果表示这些童工现在不再使用,也不会没有到法定成人年龄。
Is there anyone who has any questions about underage females? 关于未成年女性,谁还有问题?
The problem is that your son is a underage. 问题是你的儿子还未成年。
An employer shall give regular health check-ups to underage workers. 用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。
Analyses on Diffraction Principles of Criminal Behaviors& To Take the Criminal Cases Conducted by the Underage as Examples; 犯罪行为的衍射规律分析&以未成年人犯罪为例拘捕(罪犯)的行为。
He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl. 未成年或受抚养子女他被判定与一名未成年少女发生非法性行为。
And he'd been arrested for soliciting an underage prostitute. 他因引诱未成年妓女而被捕。
Susan Davis, a university lawyer, says campus police and local police report underage drinking violations to administrators. 苏珊戴维斯是一个大学律师,他说校园警察和当地警察将未成年人违反饮酒规定报告给管理员。
Underage abortion can be very harmful to a girl, both physically and mentally. 堕胎对少女的身体和心理都可能造成很大危害。
Second problem: you're underage, which means you've still got the trace on you. 第二个问题:你还没成年,也就是说,你仍然受到跟踪。
They said underage drinking was a crime. 他们告诉我未成年人饮酒是违法的。
The employer concerned shall undertake the responsibility for compensation for the damage done to women workers or underage workers. 对女职工或者未成年工造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。
At first they wouldn't let me in because I was underage. 起先,他们不让我进去,因为我没有达到可以进入会所的年龄。
The contents of an advertisement are harmful to the physical and mental health of underage persons or handicapped persons; 在广告中损害未成年人或者残疾人身心健康的;
Earlier this week, nine women including two underage girls were rescued from a brothel in the capital Colombo. 本周早些时候,包括两名未成年少女在内的9名女子从首都科伦坡一家妓院被解救。
Because you had an affairwith an underage gardener. 因为你和未成年园丁上过床。
In the harmful accident of underage student, the school which are the liability subject should have subjective offence and act against objectively legal liability to the student. 摘要未成年学生伤害事故中,学校作为伤害事故的责任主体,主观上应有过错,客观上须违反了对学生应承担的法定职责。
Underage drinking is a crime but also a common part of college social life. 未到法定年龄的饮酒是一种犯罪,但在学院社交生活中也很普遍。
He says international students would face the same punishment as American citizens for underage drinking in Virginia. 他说未成年的国际学生在弗吉尼亚喝酒会跟美国公民一样受到相同的惩罚。
Unfortunately I was underage, so I was forced to learn to game during the day. 但很郁闷,我那时还是未成年人,我只能在白天学学追求女孩的理论技巧和策略。
That's not the point. you're still underage. 那不是重点。重点是你还未成年。
Heather: no, they're accusing him of selling cigarettes to underage children. 希瑟:不是。他们指摘小店老板卖香菸给未成年孩子。
I'm sure adults and underage all have their own share of troubles. 我知道不管是成年人还是孩子都有自己的烦恼。
International underage jobs now offered to human managers by computer managers. 电脑教练现在会向玩家教练提供国家青年队工作的机会了。
Among offenses cited: essay plagiarism, vulgarities in blogs and photos showing underage drinking. 其中的负面报道有:短文剽窃,博客和照片中的粗俗显示出了未达年龄的酗酒。
The madam was arrested for having underage girls working for her. 这个老鸨因其手下有未成年少女而被捕。
Underage wizards can't use magic at home. The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess. 我在家不应该使用魔法的。巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。