Rapidly delivering poor quality software is sort of akin to getting your restaurant order quickly but discovering it was woefully undercooked; it leaves a bad taste to say the least. 快速交付低质软件有点像快速准备厨房订单,结果却发现菜品还没有烹饪熟,口味极差。
Undercooked food is unacceptable to them. 对于他们来说,没有烧熟的食物是难以下咽的。
This chicken is undercooked. 这鸡肉没有熟。
To the Chinese, the sight of Westerners eating undercooked steaks still oozing blood inside is horrible. 当中国人看到外国人吃着渗着血的半熟牛排时会觉得十分恶心。
Tapeworms are parasites that can afflict humans who eat undercooked meat. 吃没有煮熟的肉可能会感染上绦虫。
I can not recall how many times I have eaten burnt, undercooked, bland and poorly tasting dishes simply because I did not want to hurt the feelings of the person who had cooked them. 我记不起来有多少次,我因为不想伤害做饭的人的感情而吃掉糊了的、夹生的、平淡无味的或味道很差的食物。
The relative contribution of each of the above sources to the overall burden of disease is unclear but consumption of undercooked contaminated poultry is believed to be a major contributor. 以上各感染源对疾病总负担的相对贡献情况目前还不清楚,但食用未煮熟的受污染家禽被认为是一个主要因素。
But restaurants nationwide are keeping a closer eye on egg suppliers and reminding diners of the dangers of undercooked food after a massive recall tied to a salmonella outbreak. 但是,在全国范围的餐馆都密切注意鸡蛋供给者,在大量召回有关沙门氏菌的食物后餐馆提醒用餐者半生的食物的危险。
NO02, 3.My steak was undercooked, and the waiter was rude. 我的牛排没煮熟,服务生的态度又不好。
Undercook this meat is still undercooked, have it boilded for five more minutes. 这肉还没有熟透呢,再多煮五分钟吧。
Men also showed a little more of an appetite for runny eggs and undercooked hamburgers& two foods that health experts say carry a higher chance of contamination that can make you sick. 男人也显示出喜欢多一点的胃口溏心蛋和未炒的汉堡包-卫生专家说两类食品较高污染机会,可以使你生病了。
Conclusion Consumption of raw or undercooked meat is popular in the local residents especially the ethnics, which is an important factor in the prevalence of food-borne parasitic diseases. 结论广西少数民族有食生或半生饮食习惯人数多、食用品种及方式多样,存在多种食源性寄生虫病。
Don't eat any meat or seafood that is raw or appears undercooked. 不要吃生肉和生海鲜或者看起来火候不足的肉或海鲜。
People can also become infected by consuming undercooked meat. 人们同样可以经由食用未煮熟的肉类而感染。
Consumers should watch out while eating any food that could potentially contain traces of undercooked eggs. 消费者在食用可能会含有未煮熟鸡蛋的食品时要加倍小心。
The main route of transmission is generally believed to be foodborne, via undercooked meat and meat products, as well as raw or contaminated milk. 一般认为,主要传播途径为食源性,通过未煮熟的肉类和肉类产品,以及生鲜奶或者受到污染的奶传播。
Undercooked beef, undercooked pork, chicken, eggs, anything you ask to be undercooked, it's at your own risk. “半生的牛肉,不熟的猪肉,鸡肉,蛋,任何东西你要求不全熟的,都将使你自己处于风险中”。
It is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of contaminated foods, such as raw or undercooked ground meat products and raw milk. 它主要通过食用被污染的食物传染给人类,这些食物如生的或烹调不彻底的绞碎肉制品和原料奶。
Undercooked pork may contain living "bladder worms" of the pig tapeworm. 未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的囊尾幼虫。
Your foie gras is undercooked! 你的鹅肝没煮熟!
I don't give a damn! It's undercooked! 我一个子都不会给!它根本没煮熟!
It often seems easier to remain silent – to not say anything about the undercooked steak at the restaurant or the rude receptionist at the doctor's office. 保持沉默,往往看起来比较简单-像是在餐厅,拿到不熟的牛排,或在诊所遇到不友善的接待,而不说任何话。
Iris's order and tell you that the food is undercooked. 但是我是来催餐点和反应食物没煮熟。
The steak is a little overcooked, and the vegetables are a little undercooked. 牛排做得太老了,蔬菜做得有点生。
Because his chicken was undercooked. 因为他的鸡是生的。
And so, instead of taking eggs off the menu, many restaurateurs are relying on long-standing menu warnings about the dangers of eating undercooked food. 因此,与其在菜单上剔除鸡蛋,许多餐馆老板更依赖于关于吃不熟食物的危险警告长期放在菜单上。
The habit of eating undercooked meat of cattle and sheep was possibly the main reason for the epidemic of the disease. 该县牛带绦虫病的人群感染率约为6·67%,其流行的主要原因可能是当地群众喜欢吃未煮熟的牛肉或羊肉。