Why this ratio exists and how much it is skewed by misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis in girls isn't clear. 为什么会有这样的比例存在?有多少女孩是被误诊了或是医生未能作出全面的诊断?
Its clinical manifestation was various and the misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis was a common occurence. 其临床表现复杂多样,易误诊和漏诊。
Epidemiological characteristics and causative analysis of misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of fracture in 103 cases 骨折误漏诊103例流行病学特点及原因分析
Conclusion The shortcomings of equipment and technique flaws are the greatest matters for misdiagnosis& underdiagnosis with routing X-ray or CT. 结论普通X线与常规CT的设备和技术缺陷与失误是造成漏、误诊的重要因素。
Misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of fracture were likely to occur on night shift. 夜间接诊容易发生误漏诊。
Conclusion Jeavons syndrome is liable to underdiagnosis due to the subtle clinical semiology and the masking of EEG changes by antiepileptic drugs. Video-EEG analysis is often needed for confirmative diagnosis of jeavons syndrome. 结论Jeavons综合征由于复杂的症状学和抗癫痫药物的影响所致的脑电图变化的遮蔽,常导致漏诊,Video-EEG对明确诊断有重要价值。
Results ① The most common sites of misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of fracture included metatarsals, metacarpals and phalanges, ribs, clavicles and femoral cervix. 结果①误漏诊部位以跖趾骨、掌指骨、肋骨、锁骨、股骨颈为多见。