vt. (股票等)运作差于(一般市场价格)
vi. 表现不佳;工作不如预期(或同行) underperform 的第三人称单数
Because each language is at its best doing tasks where the other underperforms, one example would give a biased view. 因为每种语言都是在其他语言表现不佳的任务中表现良好,所以使用一个示例将给出有偏颇的结果。
In 2009, the bank gave out restricted options that vest after three years and cash that is held by Morgan Stanley for a similar period and is subject to "clawbacks" if the employee underperforms. 2009年,该行发放了三年后到期的限制性期权以及由该行持有的类似年限、视员工表现可能会被“收回”的现金。
Sometimes the fund underperforms the index or peer group because there are hot money flows. 有时,基金表现逊于指数或同类企业,是因为有热钱。