A surveyor said that the problems were caused by subsidence and the house needed to be underpinned. 一名勘测员说是地面下陷导致了这些问题出现,房子需要加固地基。
His principled stance and the moral force that underpinned it were decisive in dismantling the system of apartheid. 在废除种族隔离制度的过程中,他的原则立场以及支撑这一立场的道义力量发挥了决定性的作用。
International currencies are normally underpinned by some institutional framework. 国际货币通常以一些制度框架为基础。
In the past, Samsung's chip and components divisions underpinned by years of massive capital spending propelled the company's earnings. 过去,三星电子的芯片和零件部门推动了公司的盈利增长,这些部门多年以来受到了大规模资本支出的支持。
But this stability has always been underpinned by coercion and the threat of force. 但是,这种稳定的基础一直是暴力强制。
The IMF holds SDRs, underpinned by dollar, euro, yen and pound, as its reserve currency. IMF将美元、欧元、日元和英镑支持的SDR作为储备货币。
These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry. 重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础。
Gradually the laws that underpinned apartheid were abolished. 渐渐地,支撑种族隔离制度的法律被废除了。
Countries such as Australia and Qatar have strengthened their positions as leading gas exporters, but LNG remains a contract-based market involving bilateral deals rather than being underpinned by a world spot market. 澳大利亚和卡塔尔等国加强了它们作为主要天然气出口国的地位,但液化天然气市场仍基于双边协议合同,而非国际现货市场。
All these world conventions are underpinned by science. 所有这些世界惯例的基础都是科学。
Growth is underpinned by reform, Mr Paulson said. 保尔森表示:改革将支撑经济增长。
Human progress, as Keynes recognised, has always been underpinned by organisations. 正如凯恩斯所言,人类进步总要有组织的支持。
What is different today is that globalization is being underpinned by breathtaking changes in information technology. 今天所不同的是,全球化正在由信息技术的瞬间变化所支撑着。
Some of the most valuable brands are underpinned by both trust and recommendation another key finding from the rankings. 一些最具价值品牌同时获得了信赖与推荐这是此次排行的另一个重大发现。
Investment will continue to be underpinned by 1 00000 ongoing infrastructure projects and an accelerated public housing construction programme. 正在进行的10万个基建项目以及加速建设保障性住房项目,都将继续支持投资增长。
Increasing revenue from broadband and multinational companies have underpinned BT's improving performance. 来自宽带和跨国公司业务的收入日益增长,帮助英国电信不断提升业绩。
The growth prospects of oil sands have been underpinned recently by the rising price of crude oil. 最近原油价格的不断上涨,也为油砂资源的发展前景提供了支撑。
Similar concerns underpinned the 2008 launch of a commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France. 类似的担心促使法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)在2008年成立了一个委员会,负责衡量经济表现和社会进步。
In a market economy, the taking of risk is disciplined by bankruptcy, not underpinned by taxpayers. 在市场经济里,应通过破产来约束冒险行为,而不是让纳税人支持冒险。
They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service. 他们会得到常任秘书长和专业、优秀和中立的公务员辅助,开展工作。
Has the experimental data been discussed? His conclusions are underpinned by experimental findings. 试验结果讨论了没有?试验结果证实了他的结论。
We could sustain the single market, underpinned by institutions that match the integration of financial firms. 有适应金融企业一体化的制度作支持,我们可以维持单一市场。
That growing indifference seems to have underpinned a longer-term trend. 股民们越来越缺乏兴趣,似乎支持了一种更长期的趋势。
Their buying would send a signal to the private sector that Treasuries are underpinned by their biggest owners. 它们的购买行为将向私人部门发出一个信号,即美国国债得到其最大拥有者群体的支持。
The statue of Diana was underpinned with charred piles. Diana雕像是建造在炭化了的木桩上的。
Indeed, they are underpinned by a belief that risk-taking and investment should receive a fair reward. 事实上,这些提议是基于承担风险和投资应该得到公正奖励的信条。
Upbeat comments from central bank officials in Australia and China about their countries 'economies underpinned the positive view of the region. 澳大利亚和中国的央行官员针对本国经济的乐观评论,支持了人们对亚太地区的积极看法。
Property prices had remained stable and share prices had risen, underpinned by supportive monetary conditions. 物业价格维持稳定,股价则在有利的货币状况支持下上升。
The engineering sector's success in Asia is underpinned by intellectual property. 工程业在亚洲的成功,是建立在知识产权的基础之上。
London's openness to foreigners and light regulatory touch has underpinned its role as the pre-eminent international centre. 伦敦对外国人的开放和宽松的监管,是其成为顶尖国际金融中心的基石。