Victorian cut glass is perhaps the most underpriced area of the antique glass market. 维多利亚时代的雕花玻璃器皿或许是古玩玻璃器皿市场上价值被低估得最严重的一个品种。
Other companies think that water is underpriced, and in the future, it will be more realistically priced. 还有的公司认为水的定价过低,在未来,水的价格将会更符合实际。
Times are long past when Chinese art was an underpriced bargain, when foreigners could shop in the mainland, and when collectors were still at the kindergarten level in their knowledge of Asian art. 那些中国艺术品还是低价买卖,外国人能够在大陆进行收购,而且藏家们关于亚洲艺术的知识还停留在幼儿园阶段的老日子一去不复返了。
No surprise here: the Wall Street firms and their high-roller clients who get to buy the underpriced shares. 答案并不意外&华尔街公司和它们下了大赌注的客户,后者有机会买到了这些价格偏低的股票。
Banks shared out their excess profits from underpriced credit among the shareholders, customers and traders. 银行在股东、客户、交易员之间分配低价信贷带来的超额收益。
Last year, the European Commission dropped a long-running complaint against Huawei and ZTE, over claims they were flooding the European market with underpriced goods. 去年,欧盟委员会放弃了一宗针对华为和中兴的持续已久的申诉,申诉内容是这两家公司在欧洲市场倾销定价偏低的商品。
Risk was systematically underpriced. And, in order to sate the banks 'hunger for fresh securities, lending standards fell. 风险被系统性地低估;为了满足银行对新证券产品的渴求,放贷标准也有所下降。
It has rarely been a problem of judging when risk is historically underpriced. 判断风险何时被历史性地低估几乎很少成为问题。
Arguably, they are underpriced in markets. 可以说,它们在市场上被低估了。
With the recent fall in global oil prices, many companies in the sector are struggling to raise money and Chinese oil companies believe they are underpriced. 随着最近全球油价下跌,许多石油公司难以筹措到资金,中国石油企业相信它们的估值偏低。
The danger of a hard landing in China is the most underpriced risk in financial markets, according to a survey of more than 1,000 institutional investors by Barclays Capital. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)对逾1000家机构投资者所做的一项调查显示,在金融市场上,中国经济出现硬着陆是威胁性最被低估的一种风险。
This means removing the subsidies to industry by raising currently underpriced prices of inputs into industry such as land, energy, water, electricity, the environment, and capital. 这意味着通过提高目前定价过低的工业投入品譬如土地、能源、水、电、环境和资本的价格,取消对工业的补贴;
Everyone is saying we should go to the western markets to scoop up [ underpriced assets], said Chen Yuan. I think we should not go to America's Wall Street, but should look more to places with natural and energy resources. 陈元表示:现在大家都说要到西方市场上去抄底,我觉得不应该去美国的华尔街抄底,而是要多考虑一下世界上拥有资源和能源的地区。
The costs of this underpriced credit were met by bank shareholders and taxpayers. 银行股东和纳税人承担了这些信贷定价过低的代价。
Third, the renminbi regime matters not so much because of any particular degree of undervaluation, but because it sustains an economy wedded to underpriced capital, excessive credit growth and artificially low interest rates. 第三,人民币汇率机制之所以重要,与其说是因为人民币的具体低估程度,倒不如说是因为它所支撑的经济体与资本价格低估、信贷过度增长和人为压低利率紧密相连。
All credit bubbles rely upon underpriced capital being in oversupply relative to fundamental needs of an economy. 一切信贷泡沫所倚赖的,无非是相对于经济的基本面需求而言供应过剩、因而价格偏低的资本。
That if people thought that the stock was underpriced well people would buy more of it in the price would have risen already. 如果人们认为股票的价格较低,人们就会买进股票,价格就会增高。
Mr Abe and the business community in Japan continue to think their main problem is an expensive yen, or more accurately an underpriced Korean won. 安倍与日本企业界仍然认为,日本的主要问题是日元汇率过高,或者,更准确地说,是韩元汇率过低。
Japanese companies were highly exposed to China but such risks were currently underpriced, he said. 亨德利当时表示,日本公司对中国的风险敞口非常大,但此类风险眼下被低估了。
High commodity prices have made it harder in recent years for companies in sectors such as steel, enthusiastic users of anti-dumping, to show they have been hurt by underpriced imports. 近年来,大宗商品价格的高企,使得钢铁等热衷于运用反倾销措施的行业更难以证明自已受到低定价进口商品的伤害。
But the ECB could, for example, buy up the underpriced bonds of various eurozone governments that have recently been subject to speculative attacks. 不过欧洲央行也可以做一些事情,比如尽数购入各种价格被低估的欧元区政府债券。这些债券最近遭受了投机性冲击。
Antidumping measures involve assessing how much imports are underpriced relative to the price in their home markets. 实行反倾销措施之前,需要评估进口产品的价格相对产品在本国市场价格的便宜程度。
The oscillating balance between "fear and greed" went to extremes in terms of greed; risk was underpriced and under-appreciated. 在“恐惧与贪婪”之间摇摆的天平走向了贪婪的极端;风险被过低地定价和评估。
EU PROSUN, the solarworld-led coalition of EU manufacturers that filed the complaint, claimed Chinese products were underpriced by 60 to 90 per cent. 提交贸易申诉的以solarworld为首的欧盟制造商联盟euprosun声称,中国产品的价格偏低60%至90%。
The fact that risk was heavily underpriced for much of this decade was broadly recognised in the financial community, but the timing of the sharp price correction was nonetheless a surprise. 这10年的很多时间里,风险被严重低估,这个事实在金融界得到广泛承认,但急剧价格修正选择的时机仍然出乎意料。
The currency is undervalued and capital is underpriced. 人民币币值被低估,资本定价水平偏低。
He has also raised the prospect of using the skills the firm has built up in the area to select and buy mortgage securities which are underpriced. 他还提出,可能会利用该公司在这一领域积累的技能,选择和买入价格被低估的抵押证券。
It is real value for money and may be grossly underpriced. 这是真正的物有所值,可能是严重低估。
Bankers insist that IPOs are not intentionally underpriced. 银行家坚称,并非有意压低IPO价格。
History also demonstrates that underpriced risk the hallmark of bubbles can persist for years. 历史也表明,定价过低的风险泡沫的标志可持续多年。