At present many schools 'sports grounds are grossly underused. 目前许多学校的体育场都根本没有得到充分的利用。
Asking for feedback about anything is an underused and extremely valuable tool. 对任何事情都要求反馈是十分充分和有价值的。
The CPUs were underused because the system was spending most of its time writing other images to disk to get the resources that our VM was asking for. 由于系统将大部分时间用于将其他镜像写入磁盘中,以获取我们的VM请求的资源,所以CPU未得到充分利用。
Thus, the processing capacity on hardware B might be underused. 因此,硬件B上的处理能力可能就荒废了。
In this article, you'll learn how to implement one of the most underused features of AOP. 在本文里,您将学习如何实现AOP中最没有得到充分利用的特性之一。
The downside to this method is that resources may be underused and wasted. 此方法的缺点是资源可能利用不足或被浪费。
Researchers also found that punctuation was underused, especially semi-colons and speech marks. 研究人员还发现学生们标点该用的时候不用,特别是分号和引号。
Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent. 海伦娜·邦汉·卡特演绎的反角贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇光彩熠熠但颇有些大材小用。
Softer motivational tools are underused. 更为软性的激励工具利用得不够。
They are underused and underrated and are often forgotten amongst gossip, negative self-talk and complaints about the boss, the job, the weather and milk prices. 它们的价值被低估,未被人们充分利用,而且常常湮没在人们的闲谈之中&像对老板,对工作的抱怨,对天气,牛奶价格行情的讨论。
To agriculturalists, the oceans are vast and grossly underused fields well-provided with sunlight and water. 对于农学家而言,海洋是庞大而几乎未被利用的田野,拥有充足的阳光和水。
For Rimal social media are still underused, especially in linking large groups of people with common interests. 对于Rimal而言,社会媒体仍未得到充分应用,尤其是在将具有共同兴趣的一大群人汇集在一起这方面。
These works probably account for 60 per cent or so of all books in the US, making them a massive-if heavily underused-intellectual resource. 这些著作占美国所有图书的60%左右,使它们成为庞大的如果使用严重不足知识资源。
It will help to optimize each unit's search for underused and rentable spectrum. 这项技术可协助每个装置寻找使用率低与可利用的最适合频谱。
Risk management seeks to maximise risk-adjusted rates of return on equity; often, in the process, underused capital is considered "waste". 风险管理旨在实现经风险因素调整后的股本回报率最大化;通常在这一过程中,未得到充分利用的资本被视为“浪费”。
The giving and receiving of compliments may be one of the simplest and most underused tools towards gaining inner peace, serenity, and a sense of self. 给与和接受称赞也许是最简单和最被忽视地获得内心安详、平静、和自我感的工具方法之一。
Since the main hospital was built, the local clinics have been rather underused. 自从中心医院建起后,当地的诊所得不到充分的利用。
Today, with another recession imminent, the new government is contemplating the opposite: an € 3bn-€ 4bn nationalisation of the underused radial toll roads leading to and from Madrid. 如今,随着另一场衰退的临近,新政府正在斟酌反其道而行:对进出马德里、未得到充分利用的辐射状收费公路实行国有化,所涉金额达30亿至40亿欧元。
The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative leads to underused people. 老一套的态度,即员工听从指挥,而不能自做主张或独断独行,常常使得员工不能人尽其才。
The primary painkillers-opiates, like OxyContin-are widely feared, misunderstood and underused. 人们对主要的镇痛药如鸦片剂奥施康定存在广泛的恐惧、误解,因此没有充分利用。
It has left an unprecedented degree of unemployed workers and underused factories in its wake. 在衰退初期,失业率上升到前所未有的高度,废置工厂的数量也多得出奇。
A lot of the arable land was underused and poorly tended. 许多可耕地未充分利用,且照管不善。
Production capacity is grossly underused with many idle workers and machines obvious to any visitor to the state factory. 任何造访国营企业的人都能发现:生产力严重浪费,工人懒散,机械闲置。
It is baffling that policymakers still have to find a credible role beyond capital-raising for this useful but underused firefighting tool. 现在的难题是,政策制定者仍需为这个有用但利用不足的救火工具安排一个除筹资以外的可信角色。
Science academies remain an underused resource. 科学院仍然是一个未被充分利用的资源。
A decade ago, the site was an expanse of car lots and underused warehouses. 十年前,该地是一大片停车场以及未充分利用的库房。
Corroborative conjuncts are underused in the learners 'papers; 学习者与母语作者相比,在论文写作中较少使用表示确认关系的连接副词;
Regarding the Chinese business community, some ideas connected with the enterprise citizen are still underused, the definition of the concept is still not clear, and the majority of enterprises still purely equate the enterprise citizen to the enterprise society responsibility. 对于中国企业界来说,与企业公民相关的一些理念仍尚未普及,对其概念的界定也仍不清晰,大多数企业仍单纯地将企业公民等同于企业社会责任。
We propose an algorithmic framework based on greedy strategies. Its main idea is to exploit these underused heuristics to construct a greedy sub-algorithm, and then insert it into original value iteration algorithms. 我们提出了一个基于贪心策略的值迭代算法框架,它的主要思想是:利用这些被忽略的启发式信息来构造一个贪心子算法,并把它插入到之前的值迭代算法中。