But he said, because so few doctors have learned about the disease, it frequently goes undiagnosed. 然而他表示,由于知道这种病的医生太少,许多患者都没有得到确诊。
The 76ers 'All-Star guard ( yes, he was an All-Star this season) is leaving the team once again to attend to his family; his daughter Messiah, 4, has been dealing with an undiagnosed illness. 这位76人的全明星后卫(本赛季他也绝对够得上全明星级别)又要离开球队去照顾家人-他患了不明疾病的4岁女儿,弥赛亚。
A painter's undiagnosed illness affects his work, and House and his team must look at the man's paintings to determine what's wrong with him. 一位画家无法确诊的病影响了他的创作,豪斯和他的小组必须观察他的画从中发现他到底得了什么病。
Tests revealed the patient suffered two rare genetic disorders that had gone undiagnosed. 检查结果显示这位病人患有两种之前并未被诊断出的稀有遗传疾病。
According to Krakow, undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders are probably the greatest cause of daytime fatigue and sleepiness. 据克拉科夫说,尚未找出原因的不能治愈的睡眠紊乱很有可能是日间疲劳和困乏的最大原因。
Children with undiagnosed attention deficits often go off track, academically and socially, and by 18 may be living more recklessly than their peers. 患有注意缺陷却漏诊的儿童在学术和社交领域都更容易脱离正轨,他们在18岁前也很可能比同龄人更加冒失鲁莽。
There could be undiagnosed or untreated mood disorders in people who are artistic*. Depression is not uncommon to those who are drawn to work in the arts, and then the lifestyle contributes to it. 在艺术领域工作的人,抑郁非常普遍,这与他们的生活方式有一定联系。
Because the disease is slow moving, Dr. Kanter says, people with a five-year-old undiagnosed case may not have been harmed. 坎特博士说,由于这种病是慢性病,所以五年没有被诊断出来的人可能并不会有大碍。
The program is also being used to find patients with undiagnosed kidney disease, which is often found via an abnormal test result for creatinine, which should be repeated within 90 days. 该项目还被用于查找患有未被诊断的肾脏疾病的病人。肾脏疾病通常是通过异常肌酸酐检查结果发现的,并且应在90天内进行复查。
IHD among COPD patients may persist undiagnosed, even though cardiovascular disease is increasingly recognized as a leading cause of COPD, they say. 即便是作为COPD发病首要因素的心血管疾病正在逐渐地认可,COPD患者中的IHD的诊断仍将持续存在漏诊的可能。
Objective To assess the value of fiberoptic bronchoscopy ( FOB) in diagnosis of etiology in patient with hemoptysis undiagnosed by CT. 目的评价纤维支气管镜检查(FOB)在胸部CT未能确诊病因的咯血诊断中的价值。
This is not the case for millions of children who are living with undiagnosed and untreated asthma. 但数百万没有得到诊断和治疗的哮喘患儿就没有这么幸运。
The supposed mechanism that increases stillbirth and congenital anomaly rate includes insulin resistance and impending or undiagnosed diabetes. 可能的机制包括胰岛素抵抗、早期糖尿病、或未确诊的糖尿病。
While certain rapid tests on the market are highly effective, many others do not work effectively or reliably& leaving people with undiagnosed conditions or infections that could be life-threatening. 尽管市场上的某些快速测试效果很好,其它许多测试的效果不好或者不可靠&这导致一些人没有被诊断出病症或感染,从而可能危及生命。
The disease in China might still be underreported as many cases are thought to be undiagnosed, Yang said. 杨说,我国糖尿病患者的人数可能被低估了,因为还有许多患者没有得到确诊。
"In most parts of the world most people with the disease go undiagnosed," says Wortmann. “世界上大多数地方的大多数病人并没有得到诊断,”Wortmann说。
As my blood indicates, my body is reacting to its undiagnosed foreign invader with: altered CD4: CD8 ratios; 正如我的血表明,我的身体反应是其确诊外国侵略者的:改变的CD4:CD8比率;
Generally, the people who experience these symptoms do not seek medical attention and many strokes go undiagnosed. 一般来说,这些症状的人没有得到足够的医疗关注,而且很多中风被漏诊。
Low or low-normal blood pressure with high aldosterone excretion suggests the primary problem is something else, and the aldosterone response is secondary to the undiagnosed primary abnormality. 如果醛固酮分泌增高,但血压正常或正常偏低,提示存在其他疾病,醛固酮应答是继发于其他尚未诊断的其他疾病。
"We do need bigger and better studies because BDD often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed," she says. “我们需要更强大和更好的研究,因为BDD患者经常不被识别和诊断,”她说。
The former Prime Minister of the UK had a lot of problems in school due to what historians believe was undiagnosed dyslexia. 英国前首相。上学时遇到了很多麻烦,历史学家认为是未确诊的诵读困难症造成的。
The disease may remain undiagnosed until a woman tries to conceive. The underlying cause is not fully understood. 该疾病可能会在妇女要怀孕时才被发现。根本原因目前尚未完全清楚。
And this is almost certainly an underestimate as many patients die undiagnosed or are not reported. 而且几乎可以肯定这低估了病例数量,因为许多患者在未确诊之前就已经死亡或者没有上报。
Undiagnosed chlamydia infection may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. 未确诊的衣原体感染可能导致盆腔炎。
More accurate data on CE prevalence in humans ( particularly undiagnosed or asymptomatic cases) and better methods to estimate productivity losses in animals are needed. 因此有必要获得更准确的人类罹患囊型包虫病的发生率(尤其是未诊断的或无症状的患者)数据以及能够更好地估算动物生产率损失的方法。
Others suffer from "hidden asthma"-undetected or undiagnosed asthma, according the American Lung association. 据美国肺脏协会报道,还有一些儿童患有“隐性哮喘”未被检出或不能确诊的哮喘。