Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage. 葆拉还不习惯在后台换衣服时所有人都色迷迷地盯着她看。
As soon as you enter your bedroom, it undresses you automatically. 你一走进卧室,它就自动帮你脱衣服。
A form of entertainment in which a dancer undresses to music. 一种娱乐形式其中跳舞的人在音乐下不穿衣服。
A lively dance from Provence; all the dancers join hands and execute various figures. a form of entertainment in which a dancer undresses to music. 一种来自普罗旺斯的欢快舞蹈;所有跳舞者手拉手并表演各种形状。一种娱乐形式其中跳舞的人在音乐下不穿衣服。
So he undresses a virgin girl but finds her pregnant? 等他脱去这个处女的衣裳,却发现她已经怀孕了?