Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job 艾萨克觉得这份工作实在令人难以忍受,就辞职走人了。
He had not expected the pain to be unendurable 他没料到会如此疼痛难忍。
It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage. 这给他们的婚姻带来了几乎难以承受的压力。
The storm could not last forever and the discomfort was not unendurable. 暴风雨不会永不停息,任何不适也并非难以容忍。
Which cities topped the list with the most unendurable commutes in the world? 那么,哪些城市是世界上最难以忍受上下班交通的地方呢?
I felt the long, spread out boredom ahead of me to be almost unendurable. 我觉得面前漫长的无聊生涯简直难以忍受。
It wanted relief, and that speedily, from unendurable miseries. 他们想迅速从难以忍受的痛苦中解救出来。
The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable. 老式潜艇内的压力几乎是难以忍受的。
For its part, Japan began its enduring friendship with America after a scratchy radio broadcast in which Emperor Hirohito, hitherto considered a living god, entreated his subjects to endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable. 对日本来说,日本与美国的长久友谊始于裕仁天皇(Hirohito)的投降诏书。在咝咝啦啦的广播中,此前被视为神的裕仁天皇恳求他的臣民们忍所难忍,耐所难耐。
The tension which had been building up to an almost unendurable point in the bunker broke. 地堡里一直不断加剧的几乎令人无法忍受的紧张气氛突然间被打破了。
In it, you'll feel an unendurable sense of being absolutely alone, forever cut off from the one thing you really need, the thing for which praise is a shoddy substitute. 在这个状态下,你会感觉到一种感觉是难以忍受的绝对孤独,永远和你真正所需东西隔离,那个让表扬只是一种冒牌替代物的东西。
Gemcitabine plus vinorelbine for treatment of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who were unendurable to cisplatin-based chemotherapy 泽菲联合盖诺治疗不能耐受顺铂的中晚期非小细胞肺癌临床观察
Along with people to planar configuration precision request enhancement and three dimensional fix demand increase, many designer encountered some unendurable question about more and more complex form and browser explanation time increase. 随着对人们对平面布局精确度要求的提高和三维空间定位的需求增加,越来越复杂的表格及浏览器解释时间的增加成了许多设计者难以忍受的问题。
Comparing and analyzing the data, those two groups of the plateau area students 'focusing and endurable experiment and unendurable experiment, and then the fight of steps test and the lung capacity test. 通过对两组高原地区大学生进行有针对性、有目的的耐力素质练习(实验组)和无耐力素质练习(对照组),然后进行台阶试验和肺活量的测试,将数据进行对比分析。
Unendurable labor intensity of teachers brought by new curriculum. 教师不堪新课程的劳动强度;
Without efficient optimization, the mixed transmission will result in frequent interrupt during the normal call or unendurable transfer delay of the data transmission. 如果没有有效的机制,语音信号的传输常常会被数据信号所阻断,而数据信号的时延也会令人无法忍受。
Fifthly, according to the state of water quality and water quantity, the carrying capacity of water resources is divided into two conditions, i.e., endurable carrying and unendurable carrying. 根据区域水资源水质、水量供需状况,进行水资源承载能力分析,并将区域水资源承载能力分为胜载和负载两种状态。
BACKGROUND: Chronic pain, including hyperalgesia and algesthesia paresthesia, is pathological phenomenons making the patients felt unendurable and lacking of clinical treatments. 背景:慢性痛包括痛觉过敏和痛觉感觉异常,是患者感到难以忍受和临床缺乏治疗手段的一种病理现象。
As Memory circuit densities increase, the extraction time of logic parameter is beginning unendurable. 随着Memory的集成度越来越高,逻辑参数的提取时间变得无法忍受。
In the process of rendering, it needs a large quantity of floating-point calculation and integer calculation. The time of rendering using normal PC is unendurable and the huge data to handle makes it worse. 在渲染过程中,需要进行大量的浮点运算和整数运算,用普通PC机渲染所需时间往往让人难以忍受,而且庞大的数据处理也使得32位计算在架构上成为了一个瓶颈。