We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness 我们尽力对两个孩子的需要都予以满足,而不显得有所偏向或袒护。
He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture. 他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。
Weekend newspapers carried articles about the unfairness of the global media coverage. 上周末的一些报刊文章谈到了全球媒体报道的不公正。
After all, fairness is good and unfairness is bad, right? 毕竟,公平是好事,不公平是不好的,不是吗?
The sleight of hand is politically convenient but increases complexity, creates unfairness and opens opportunities for tax avoidance. 玩弄手腕是政治上的需要,但它加大了复杂性,导致不公,并为逃税创造了机会。
He tells students how cruel Chinese society can be because of the unfairness everywhere, Mr. Li said. 他告诉学生,中国社会可能会因为无处不在的不公平而变得很残忍,李剑叶说。
The unfairness in our society always makes the cynics grind their teeth. 社会中存在的不公平现象总是让那些愤世嫉俗的人很不平。
I do see that there is a serious unfairness in the system. 我确实看到在这个制度中有严重的不公平之处。
The poor peasants retaliated against the king because of his unfairness and cruelty. 由于国王既不公平又残忍,所以贫苦的农民就采取报复手段对他进行反抗。
I praise the Lord for his unfairness of bestowing such pair of eyes and the lips. 我赞美上帝的不公,他赐予你这样的眉眼和嘴唇。
The sense of moral outrage at the unfairness of the tax was very strong. 对于税收不公正所产生的道义上的愤慨是很强烈的。
The rage is totally inert, because you believe there is nothing you can do about the unfairness. 你的愤怒完全是无用的,因为你认为你对于这不公平待遇一点办法也没有。
Jealousy is often discussed generally together with the sense of unfairness in Western social psychology. 西方社会心理学常将嫉妒和不公平感笼统地放在一起讨论。
Moreover, my thesis is focused on my frustration about the unfairness of Classification. 此外,我的论点是集中在我沮丧的不公平性分类。
In order to overcome the unfairness which trousseau system possibly caused, and balance benefit between marital litigant and inheritance, the Roman law founded the marriage presentation and the trousseau-assess system. 为克服嫁资制度可能引致的不公平,平衡婚姻当事人之间和遗产继承人之间的利益,罗马法又创建了婚姻赠与和嫁资合算制度。
This has caused unfairness in social-wealth distribution. 客观上造成了社会财富分配的不公平。
Some people complain about the unfairness, merely because they cannot take the most advantage out of it. 有些人总是抱怨不公平,其实主要原因是他们无法在不公平中得到利益。
For too long the British economy has been characterised by unfairness and imbalance; short-term thinking and short-term gains. 在太长的时间里,英国经济是以不公平和不平衡为特征的;短期思维和短期利益大行其道。
If you suffer unfairness, request after done your detention. 如果你受到了不公正的待遇,拘留结束后再提出要求。
This article maintains that green barriers have both negative natures of unfairness, unreasonableness and discrimination and positive natures of progressiveness, standardization and rationality. 本文认为,绿色壁垒具有不公平、不合理和歧视性的消极一面,同时又具有进步性、规范性和合理性的积极一面。
Severe unfairness and sharp conflict will inevitably become the obstruction to the actualization of a harmonious society. 严重的社会不公现象和激烈的社会冲突必然会阻碍和谐社会的实现。
And take action against injustice and unfairness in this world. 敢于和不公正的世道进行斗争。
Don't curse the unfairness of fate, for it can encourage you to go ahead. 不要诅咒命运的不公,因为它会激励你前进。
As for me a certain unfairness can say, you said, you did not know. 至于我一定不公平,可以说,你说,你不知道。
But who understands fairness and unfairness today? 但谁理解现在的公平和不公平?
But then, of course, you of all men know all about unfairness. 但是,当然,你们都知道什么是不公。
And it ignores a far greater unfairness: sticking the American taxpayer with the bill. 这忽视了更大的不公平:美国纳税人法案。
I wish I had had a sword to kill all the unfairness in our history. 我希望我有只剑可消灭历史上所有的不公。
Brad Pitt's new movie Moneyball exposes the unfairness in Major League Baseball. 布拉德·皮特的新片《点球成金》揭露了美国职业棒球大联盟中的不公平现象。
So, there is no connection between just the unfairness and THE result. 所以,最后的选举结果和过程中的不公没有关连。