The unfilled diamond on the line between VehicleInventory and Vehicle is called aggregation ( or, shareable aggregation). 在线上用实心菱形表示,在预约和保护产品之间的是合成关系(或者说不可共享的聚合关系)。
It is usually a strategic mistake to leave roles unfilled or to have one person filling too many roles. 某个角色没人担任或让某个人担任太多角色是常见的策略错误。
, or unfilled bars in the graph to indicate unused CPU and memory capacity for the three VMs. 或未填充的条来表示3个VM未用的CPU和内存容量。
American Manufacturers have 600,000 unfilled positions and 34% of companies say they are having trouble filling open positions. 美国的制造商有60万个职位处于空缺状态,34%的企业表示他们在填补这些空缺职位时遇到了麻烦。
When the structure of a workforce does not match the local economic growth rate and the changing local economic structure, and when workers technical proficiency level falls short of the needs of economic growth, unemployment will unavoidably exist alongside a surplus of unfilled job vacancies. 在劳动力结构与经济增长速度、经济结构变化不适应的情况下,在劳动者的技术水平不符合经济增长要求的情况下,经济增长过程中失业与职位空缺的并存将是不可避免的。
But the country also has more than three point six million unfilled jobs. 但美国还有超过360万个职位空缺。
Experts say some positions are unfilled because those seeking work lack high-technology skills. 专家表示,一些职位空缺是由于求职人缺乏高科技技能。
Now, if this conclusion had emerged in a state with few immigrants and plenty of unfilled jobs ( think North Dakota), that might be unsurprising. 假如说,这个结论出现在一个移民很少并且有很多工作空缺的州(比如北达科他州),可能就没有什么好奇怪的了。
Few Christmas stockings were left unfilled despite the war. 尽管正处于战争时期,但几乎没有哪家的圣诞袜里是空空如也的。
Can change or cancel your unfilled orders anytime. 可以随时更改或取消任何未成交的交易指令。
An unfilled job or position; a vacancy. 可以,我有一间空房间。
Some believed the paper falling from the printer was unfilled orders. 一些顾客认为从打印机落了一地的纸张是没有执行的交易单。
Legal wrangling in Minnesota over spoiled and absent ballots kept one of that state's Senate slots unfilled. 明尼苏达州因为污损票和无效票的问题产生法律争执,令目前该州的一个参议席位仍然留空。
Whatever you do, no cell on the spreadsheet may be left unfilled. 无论用什么办法,反正不能让预测表格留下空白。
China's large trade surplus with Europe adds another potentially profitable dimension to the business, as most cargo ships returning to China are relatively unfilled, making the transport cheaper. 中国对欧洲巨大的贸易顺差也给这项业务增加了另一个潜在获利空间:多数返华货船相对较空,从而可降低运输成本。
Across government, leadership positions are unfilled because the administration cannot get its nominees confirmed. 整个政府内部,因为政府提名的人选无法获得国会确认,许多领导职位都还空着。
There are jobs in this economy that are going unfilled. 他表示:美国经济中存在就业机会,但没人来填补。
Unemployment and unfilled vacancies can exist side by side. 失业和未填补的空额可以同时并存。
Examine the club's roster of filled and unfilled classifications. 检视扶轮社的填补及未填补的职业分类名册。
This describes the normally inverse relationship between unemployment and unfilled vacancies in the labour market. 它描述了失业率与劳动力市场上的空缺职位通常成反比的关系。
Unfilled epoxy resin of low viscosity. 一种无填充的低粘稠度环氧树脂胶。
If there is no person on the list willing to be a member of Parliament then the seat remains unfilled. 如果没有人愿意接受议会的成员名单上,然后座位仍然空着。
Filled and unfilled aperture radio telescope. 连续和非连续孔径射电望远镜。
Out of the internal disappointment of feeling unfilled, many an initiate's ascension begins, or so this is so for both Mila and Oa. 出于内在没有成就感的失望,很多提升者的提升旅途就此开始了,或者对Mila和Oa来说就是这样。
We still have several unfilled places on the tour. 我们旅行团还有几个空名额。
An employment vacancy; an unfilled position or job. 就业空缺;一个空缺职位或工作。
Recessing is the most effective way of preventing creep in unfilled ptfe. 凹入是阻止未加填料的聚四氟乙烯徐变的最有效的方式。
These nouns refer to an unfilled or empty space. 这些名词指未填的或空白的地方。
Mr Hoffman said Oracle now had 1,000 unfilled jobs because the company was unable to find sufficiently skilled workers. 雷夫曼表示,甲骨文公司目前有1000个职位空缺,因为公司无法找到技术娴熟的工人。
Unfilled grade with improved processability and heat ageing performance. 非填充级改进加工性能和热老化性能。