He is an extraordinarily unfiltered leader. 对,他是典型的初出茅庐。
As with any other unfiltered leader, Romney would be an extraordinarily high-variance choice. 就像任何初出茅庐的领导人一样,罗姆尼会是一个变数很大的选择。
This output is very different from the previous flagged version, because it is just the unfiltered results of df-h with a print statement injected at the top. 此输出与前面带标记的版本区别非常大,因为它只是使用顶部注入的print语句来打印的未经筛选的df–h命令结果。
Only then will you get a momentary, unfiltered glimpse into their soul. 这样你才能在那一瞬间,得以瞥见他们的灵魂。
Edward Bloomer, astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, says: Even thick cloud cover is transitory, and even a very short exposure to unfiltered sunlight can permanently damage your vision. 格林威治皇家天文台的天文学家爱德华布鲁默说:哪怕是最厚的云层也只是片刻的,而哪怕只是一瞬间暴露在毫无遮拦的阳光下,也会对视力造成伤害。
Soon the unfiltered gamma rays melted the iceberg and GWAR was free. 很快未过滤的伽马射线熔化了冰山并且GWAR是自由的。
Unfiltered coffees, which are typically made with a French press, contain more of a cholesterol-raising substance called cafestol. 通常由法式压壶做出来的没过滤的咖啡,会含有一种叫做咖啡醇的高胆固醇物质。
But let's qualify: Weibo users only really have access to initially unfiltered information. 但是,让我们的资格:威博用户只有真正获得最初未经过滤的信息。
So far as we know, Verizon did not allow the NSA to listen in on all calls unfiltered. Instead, it handed over so-called metadata. 到目前为止,据我们所知,Verizon不允许NSA毫无过滤地监听所有通话。相反,它提交的是所谓的元数据。
Mr mukunda divides leaders into two types, "filtered" and "unfiltered". 穆昆达将领导分为两类:“滤后领导”和“未滤领导”。
True creativity and genius depends on an unfiltered view of the world, one that is unconstrained by preconceptions and more open to novelty. 真正的创造力和天才来自对世界全面的视角,不被先入之见限制,对新鲜事物更加开放。
But what if an electrical outage halfway operation, exposed to unfiltered air contaminated material will not be spared. 但是万一操作中途遇到停电,暴露在未过滤空气中的材料便难以幸免污染。
This wine was aged in new French oak chateau barrels and bottled unfiltered. 此葡萄酒储存在法国庄园橡木桶内,灌瓶前并没有过滤。
Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered noise seems close enough to touch. 没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸着一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的、亲近的伸手就可触及的夜声。
The actual unfiltered selection from the Scene. 来自场景中实际未过滤的选择物。
From the buffer-tank the unfiltered beer passes thorough a cooler to the BMF ( Beer Membrane Filtration). 缓冲罐中未过滤的啤酒经过冷却器到BMF(啤酒膜过滤机)。
You cannot delete or cut a range that has filtered rows. Copying or Clearing the range will act on only the unfiltered rows. 不能删除或剪切带有筛选行的区域。复制或清除该区域将只影响未筛选的行。
Collect Rush data information that is real-time, unfiltered, shared across the organisation and holistic enough to provide a multifaceted view of a complex situation to spot threats and opportunities. 收集紧急数据实时、未经过滤的信息,为整个机构所共享,且足够全面,能对复杂形势提供种多方面的视角以发现威胁和机遇。
Without lenses, color perception is normal, but HEV and UV light pass unfiltered to the eye. 没有镜片保护的情况下,色彩看起来是普通的,但HEV光线和紫外线也会不经过滤地透射进眼睛中。
Brewers yeast have a large number of valuab B vitamins ( especially vitamin B1, B2). So people drink the unfiltered yeast-rich beer is more good at our health. 啤酒酵母储有大量具有人体不可缺失的B族维生素(特别是维生素B1、B2),所以饮用富含活酵母的啤酒更加有利于健康。
If a tap is used, unfiltered water equal to the amount drawn off should be added to the top. 如果使用了水龙头,等同于排出数量的未过滤水应该增加在顶部。
However, the government had been expected to offer unfiltered Internet access to the more than 20000 journalists, covering the games, which open on August 8. 不过,人们此前预期,中国将对报道8月8日开幕的奥运会的逾2万名记者提供不受限制的互联网上网。
The Internet has allowed patients to have their unfiltered voices heard in a collective and powerful way. 网络让这些患者发出他们不加过滤的集体而有力的声音。
Production has just begun at the facility at a former high school field in Shinanomachi and a sweet, sour aroma, similar to that of unfiltered sake, wafts into the air. 在信浓町原先的高中空地上的一座厂房,生产已经开始。一种甜,酸芳香,像是没有过滤的清酒的味道飘荡在空气中。
During the process of normal filtration, with the system pressure of the unfiltered media, the filtering bag also turns into a multi-valvular sectional cylindrical empty cavity. 正常过滤时在系统未滤介质压力的作用下,滤袋也形成一个多瓣形截面的柱形空腔。
Davidson suggested asking countries to pledge to keep sites unfiltered in international trade agreements. 他建议各国应承诺在国际贸易协议内不过滤网站。
I thought matrix data could be sent unfiltered. 我以为矩阵数据可以不经过滤的发送。
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear unfiltered what my employees were really thinking, Mr Martin told me when he came in to the Financial Times office clean-shaven and in a suit and tie last week. 这是一辈子一次的机会,能够听到我的员工们的真实想法,没有过滤,上周马丁来英国《金融时报》社时对我说道。他胡子刮得干干净净,穿着西服,打着领带。
Nat Geo Adventure chronicles the unfiltered experiences of young travellers whose journeys take them to the edge. 国家地理历险频道忠实记录年轻旅行家原汁原味的冒险经历。