Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring. 他们的工作又累又平淡,多数人会认为很乏味。
Bruce's office is a corner one, utilitarian and unglamorous. 布鲁斯的办公室在角落里,实用而普通。
The enterprise side is much less visible and frankly a little unglamorous, but just as important as the consumer side. 相比之下,企业软件市场没有如此引人注目,坦率地说甚至有点乏善可陈,但仍然和消费科技领域同等重要。
He squeezed working capital, an unglamorous tactic that pays handsomely. 此外,他还压缩了营运资本,这种策略看似平常,却能得到丰厚的回报。
Even in the case of an API or a similarly unglamorous set of functions, someone else cares: a partner development team, a consuming application team, whomever. 即使是关于API或者类似单调的功能,也会有人关心:一个合伙开发团队,一个激进的应用团队,或者其他人。
But there are some good guys in the microbial world& bugs that do the unglamorous work of keeping us regular and helping to relieve a range of disorders from diarrhea to irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS). 实际上在微生物界中有一些好虫子的,它们做着枯燥无聊的工作来维持我们的身体正常运转,还能预防从腹泻到肠道紊乱综合症的病症。
Looking back at my first job, even when I was asked to do something seemingly menial, unglamorous, or very difficult, I always went all in. 回顾我的第一份工作,即便我被要求去做一些看似很卑微、单调或者非常困难的事情时,我也会全力以赴。
The unglamorous sibling of the gondola; these no-frills boats get passengers from one side of the canal to the other for a meagre fee. 这些无装饰的船只将乘客从运河的一边送到另一边,只收取很少的费用。
And unglamorous suburbs like Fangshan and Tongzhou will be designated as 'hubs' for specific industries, like petrochemicals and 'cultural industries,' respectively. 房山和通州等不太繁荣的郊区将被定为特定行业的中心,比如房山和通州将分别被规划为石油化工和文化产业中心。
It is relatively slow, unglamorous and, assuming the rest of the journey is by car, not even environmentally friendly. 渡轮速度相对较慢,单调乏味,一般剩下的旅程还得坐车,渡轮甚至还不环保。
Even in the exciting, leading-edge world of innovation, unglamorous management basics matter. 即便在一个激动人心且技术领先的创新世界里,单调的管理学基本原则仍然发挥着重要作用。
But fundamentally, it performs an unglamorous function in a utilitarian way. 但是基本上,它还是功利性地扮演一个没有趣味的功能角色。
Germany's much-lauded Mittelstand companies have succeeded through foresight and by specialising in the unglamorous business of making parts for complex final products. 德国备受称赞的中小型企业的成功是因为它们有远见,并在制造复杂最终产物的元部件的单调生意上有所专长。
The result: the new investor class is losing its appetite for risk and is parking its cash in unglamorous, low-yielding money-market funds and bank savings accounts. 结果,新的投资群体逐渐丧失了风险投资欲,把资金转向了毫无吸引力、收益率低的货币市场基金和银行储蓄。
An unglamorous job greasing engines. 给机器加润滑油的单调工作。
Once cars lose speed and power, they become unglamorous everyday tools, like washing machines, and nobody, presumably, derives status from their washing machine. 一旦汽车失去了速度和超强动力,它们就变成了洗衣机似的单调乏味的日用工具。我想,没人靠洗衣机体现自身社会地位。
For their roles in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Burton and Taylor for the first time in their careers dared to appear as unglamorous, disheveled and overweight characters. 在《谁害怕沃基尼娅·伍尔夫》一片中,泰勒和伯顿首次饰演外形不好看又发福的角色。
Mango is aiming at an unglamorous market, the unbanked. 芒果金融定位于一个单调的市场,即无银行账号的人。
For decades, iron ore was plentiful, prices were stable and mining the commodity was a monotonous and unglamorous business. 在长达数十年中,铁矿石储量丰富,价格稳定,开采这种大宗商品是一个单调乏味的行当。
Profit-starved hedge fund managers, best known as masters of the financial universe, are turning to an unlikely place for their next windfall: the unglamorous world of long-only asset management. 享有金融世界主宰者之称的对冲基金经理人因苦于无法获得利润,纷纷转向一个人们意料之外的领域寻找发大财的机会:貌似平淡无奇的单边做多资产管理领域。
In the former Soviet Union, grapes were grown from Moldova to Tajikistan and transformed into wine with maximum efficiency but minimum attention to quality. Half-made wine, stuffed full of preservatives, was transported to unglamorous bottling plants near the major cities. 在前苏联,葡萄种植区从摩尔多瓦到塔吉克斯坦,这些葡萄通过效益最大化、同时完全无视质量的方式变成了酒。添加大量防腐剂的葡萄酒半成品,被运送到大城市附近乏善可陈的瓶装工厂。
Unglamorous, usually unexciting and normally invisible, the world's financial plumbing is gummed up. 毫不张扬地,通常是悄无声息地,全球金融流通管道堵塞了。
Germany has belatedly discovered that its sober, solid and deliberately unglamorous leader is really the person calling the shots across the continent. 德国人终于迟钝地发现,他们这位冷静、可靠、故意显得毫无光彩的领导人,实际上是整个欧洲的发号施令者。
The arrest of Sergey aleynikov, a former Goldman Sachs employee at the centre of a criminal case involving the unsanctioned downloading of sophisticated trading software codes, has thrust the largely unglamorous world of computerised equity trading into the spotlight. 原高盛(goldmansachs)员工谢尔盖阿列尼科夫(sergeyaleynikov)因涉嫌私自下载尖端交易软件代码而被捕,这成为一桩刑事案件的核心,令人们关注起大体上乏味无趣的计算机化股票交易问题。
What these companies also have in common are unglamorous surroundings. 这些面包店的共同点是周边环境很单调。
This is all pretty unglamorous stuff, you could say better, though, than the alternative. 你会说,这些措施听上去都相当乏味,但总比其它选择都要好。
Lunch was a decidedly unglamorous affair. 午餐绝非令人想望的事情。
But the government is still too fond of its grandiose projects and too slow to get unglamorous things right. 但政府还是太热衷于它的宏伟事业,纠正那些错误的事情的速度太过缓慢。