n. 统一主义者,统一派(主张北爱尔兰继续为英国的一部分); (美国内战时期的)合众国拥护者,合众派成员 unionist的复数
They took a dim view of local trade unionists 他们对当地的工会会员们评价很低。
Several hundred thousand trade unionists are expected to turn up for the May Day celebrations. 预计,几十万贸易工会成员将出现在劳动节的庆典上。
For traditional socialists, it meant the people's hands. For traditional Tories, it meant in British hands. For Thatcher and her allies, it meant in the hands of meddling bureaucrats and selfish, greedy trade unionists. 对于传统的社会主义者,这意味着在人民手中;对于传统的保守派,意味着在英国手中;对于撒切尔及其盟友,意味着掌握在玩弄权术的官僚和自私贪婪的行业协会手中。
Loyal trade unionists who are not Wagner fans ( such people exist, believe it or not) have reportedly been able to sell their seats for a profit. 那些忠心耿耿却非瓦格纳粉丝的工会会员(存在这种人,信不信由你),据报道,能够卖掉自己的席位赚点小钱。
Opposition politicians and trade unionists have already poured scorn on his plans and protesters have already taken to the streets, setting alight cars in customary fashion. 反对他的政治家们和工会会员已经对他的计划大加奚落。抗议者已经走上街头,按习俗方式点着了汽车。
Yet even trade unionists are generally friendly towards foreign ownership these days. 然而即使这些天贸易联合主义者对外国所有企业普遍较友好。
Unless your business model depends on bilking people, there is little to fear from these new rules, said Mr Obama, drawing applause from a crowd that included plenty of trade unionists as well as bankers. 除非你的商业模式依赖于骗人,否则对这些新规则没什么可担心的,奥巴马说。他的话赢得了听众的掌声,这些听众包括许多工会成员和银行家。
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists 黑人工会主义者联盟
Not much, although diehard unionists may be encouraged to dig in harder, and Mr Cameron cannot have been pleased. 一点也不重要,虽然统一党的死硬分子会被刺激的更加死硬,Cameron先生也不会满意。
In Spain today, unionists and regional government officials are scheduled to talk with Magna for a third day on the future of Opel's plant near Zaragoza. 今日,西班牙工会和地方政府官员将围绕萨拉戈萨附近的欧宝工厂的未来,同麦格纳举行第三天谈判。
The employers and the two trade unionists had a warm debate for three hours, then the former had to lower their colours. 资方和两个工会代表激烈地争辩了3个小时,后来资方不得不让步。
There are forces on both sides of the Pacific – Chinese nationalists, American trade unionists, the military establishments of both countries – that would be happy with a more adversarial relationship. 在太平洋两岸,都有许多势力乐于见到美中关系变得更具对抗性,包括中国的国家主义者、美国的工会主义者以及两国的军方。
On Wednesday Angela Merkel, Chancellor, hosts a summit of business leaders, trade unionists and economists to discuss the downturn. 本周三,德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)会主持一场由商业领袖、工会代表和经济学家参加的峰会,共同讨论经济低迷。
The drastic move puts 3,000 jobs in Germany at risk, prompting an angry reaction from trade unionists who blamed Siemens for disposing of both a money-losing business and responsibility for its employees. 这一惊人举动导致该德国公司3000人面临失业,从而激起工会会员的愤怒反应。他们此前指责西门子在处置亏损业务的同时,也推卸掉了对员工的责任。
By the end of Lula's second term a big share of senior managers in the federal administration and at state pension funds were trade unionists or members of his Workers'Party ( PT). 在卢拉第二个任期快要结束的时候,联邦政府和州养老基金的很大部分的高管都是通过交易取得他们所在团体的成员或工会会员身份的。
Unionists, meanwhile, are trying to convince Scots that voting "no" would result in a hefty dose of new powers. 与此同时,统派正在试图使苏格兰人确信:投票支持统一将使苏格兰获得大量新权益。
Mr Sarkozy invited trade unionists to lunch and "victims and heroes" to his Bastille Day garden party. 萨科齐先生邀请工会主义者共进午餐,还邀请“受害者和英雄们”参加他的巴士底日聚会。
Used in the1970s and1980s to please trade unionists ( and helping to keep a lid on inflation), it has turned into the financial equivalent of the Swiss army knife, with a multiplicity of benefits. 此政策是在70年代和80年代为了取悦于当时的工会出台的(有助于控制通货膨胀),它在金融中似乎变得跟瑞士军刀一样超有用,具有多样性的助益。
Brotherhood of Asian Trade Unionists 亚洲工会会员兄弟会
These nuances are likely to be lost on the enemies of welfare reform, who include many trade unionists and some Labour backbenchers. 这些细微差异对福利改革的反对者而言,极可能毫无影响。反对者包括工会人员和一些工党后座议员2。
So the referendum is forcing the SNP to make concessions to the union, while pushing unionists towards further devolution. 因此,这次独立公投正在迫使snp对联合王国让步,同时推动统派政党进一步放权。
Other trade unionists agree with that judgment& but not with her call to strike. 其他贸易联合会表示赞同她的说法,但不会响应罢工的号召。
The Swiss note that their secrecy laws date back to 1934, when they were enacted partly to protect German Jews and trade unionists from the Nazis. 瑞士人指出,他们的机密法可回溯到1934年,那时,这些法律的制定部分是为了保护纳粹魔掌下的德国犹太人和工会主义者。
But even if trade unionists are still able on occasion to make some noise and grab a few headlines, most business leaders will look on unperturbed. The brothers 'ability to disrupt business life is greatly diminished. 然而,即便工会会员偶尔还能引起一些轰动,占据几个新闻大标题,多数商业领袖看上去却是泰然自若。工人兄弟们干扰企业运作的能力已经大为降低。
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law. 党员们与工会成员为修改法律并肩战斗。
German trade unionists are growing uneasy about the social implications of this shift. 德国工会人士对上述转变的社会影响越来越感到不安。
This is my least favourite option, however, since it condemned the Victorian Tories to more than two decades of weakness until the Liberals finally split over Irish Home Rule and the Unionists switched sides. 然而,这是我最不喜欢的选择,因为它让维多利亚时代的保守党在之后20多年间一直低迷不振,直到自由党最终因爱尔兰地方自治方案分裂、以及统一党改变立场为止。
When they came for the trade unionists. 当他们来抓工会会员的时候。
Harsh conditions and long working hours were gall and wormwood to early trade unionists. 恶劣的条件和漫长的工作时间是早期工会工作者苦恼的原因。