He unlatched the box and sorted through the papers 他打开盒子,把文件整理好。
Is really does not understand unlatched, did not think cannot remember? 是真不懂还是虚掩,是不想了还是想不起?
One day Carrie's bell rang and the servant, who was in the kitchen, pressed the button which caused the front door of the general entrance on the ground floor to be electrically unlatched. 一天,嘉莉家的门铃响了,在厨房里的仆人按动电钮,打开了一楼总出入口的前门。
Early in the morning or at dusk, there maybe one door left unlatched. 在清晨或黄昏,岛上游人稀少时,可能会有一扇小门虚掩着。
An unbarred door; went through the unlatched gate into the street; an unlocked room. 没锁的门;经过开着的大门走到街上;没锁的屋子。
The dog found the door unlatched and made a night of it. 狗发现门没闩上,看守了一夜。