One thing WSDL leaves unmentioned is its potential for integration with RDF. WSDL一直未提及的一件事就是它与RDF集成所带来的潜力。
Not long ago the company opened a new building, and someone spotted the fact that all the conference rooms were named after male scientists; in the past, that might have gone unmentioned, but this time the names were changed. 不久前,谷歌一栋新大楼投入使用,有人发现,所有的会议室都以男性科学家命名;而在过去,此事可能就会被忽略,但这次,谷歌修改了会议室的名字。
Anthrax was not known in the area at the time, or if it was, wasn't thought to be of any consequence by the local tribes, and went unmentioned. 当时炭疽在那个地区还不为人所知,就算当地的部落里有人听说过这种病,也没有想到它会带来什么后果,因此一直没有人提起过炭疽。
What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix. 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方增补作为合同附件。
Fun comes in too many ways to mention, plus some ways that are better left unmentioned. 乐趣来自太多的可提及的方式,外加一些不说为妙的方式。
Unmentioned is what the population thinks& easily discovered. 被忽略的是广大人民怎么想&这是很容易发现的。
What he leaves unmentioned is the role of fiscal policy in defusing bubbles, indeed in preventing their emergence in the first place. 他没有提到的是财政政策在去除泡沫中的作用,实际上是从一开始就阻止泡沫的形成。
It's especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. 对于努力没有被注意或提及的领域给予赞美是一种特别的奖励。
I clearly should have only criticized America and left China's physical torture of political prisoners who have committed no crime unmentioned. 我应该只批评美国的,而不用去管中国对那些无罪的政治犯所作的肉体摧残。