Nothing But contempt is due to those people who ask us to suBmit to unmerited oppression 对于那些要求我们服从我们不能受之压迫的人,我们有的只是轻蔑
Justifying grace is not a substance but unmerited divine favor. 称义的恩典不是一种实体,而是那不配得的神的恩宠。
Land purchase and banking system improves the governments 'initiative and emphasizes there rights in the management of land assets. But for the lack of capital and unmerited administrative control, land market's function in the land management is limited. 土地收购储备制度的引进,虽然有助于提高政府经营土地的主动性,强化政府土地经营权,但由于资金的匮乏以及政府不当的行政干预,土地的市场化经营程度很低。
In investigating the obligations in administrative law for wanton cutting, there exist the defects: considerable resistance for executing administrative penalties, inadequate theoretical foundation for collecting the administrative fine and the unmerited management and application of the fines. 对滥伐林木行为追究行政责任时存在行政处罚的执法阻力较大,征收罚款的理论依据不足,行政罚款责任得来的资金的管理和使用不当等缺陷。
The purpose of the system of the managerial power of state enterprise is authorizing the state enterprise to confront the unmerited interferences, and making the state enterprise to be the self-governed market participant to participate in market competition. 国有企业经营权制度的立法目的,是赋予国有企业对抗所有人的不当干预的权利,使国有企业成为独立的市场主体,自主参与市场竞争。