Do you think there is an unmet need for books about software management? 你认为软件管理方面还有未满足的需求么?
If your application uses all available connections, there may be an unmet demand for more connections. 如果您的应用程序使用所有可用的连接,则大多数连接都可能有一个需求未能满足。
As in the previous step, now add the entire unmet size. 和前面的步骤一样,现在加上完整的未满足的大小。
Last year, he published research focused on unmet expectations. 去年他发表了关于未实现的期望的研究报告。
But such efforts will ultimately have a patchy and limited impact because they do not address the root causes of unmet health needs in girls and women. 但是,这些努力最终只会产生局部有限的影响,因为它们不能解决女童和妇女健康需求得不到满足的根本原因。
This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs. 这是找出问题,发现未满足需要的又一个途径。
The analysis reveals a picture of growing unmet needs and neglect. 分析显示未满足的需要和忽视日益增加。
I see a WHO that continues to bias much of its work towards the many unmet health needs in Africa and beyond, and to the empowerment of healthy, well-educated, self-confident women and girls. 我希望世卫组织继续将其大部分工作转向非洲及其它地区许多未满足的卫生需要,并使健康,受过良好教育和自信的妇女及女童能够拥有力量。
Second, explain what this unmet need means. 第二,说明未满足的需求意味着什么。
Are being ignored and that they are the "biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics". Ropers告诉与会者说,诸如地中海贫血等基因疾病和特定类型的智力缺陷被忽视了,它们是“临床遗传学没有解决的最大挑战”。
Although some progress has been achieved in the last few years in understanding and treating these cancers, they remain a huge unmet need and a disproportionate health burden to Asian patients. 尽管最近几年在了解和治疗这些癌症方面已经取得一些成绩,但是他们依然是一个尚未满足的庞大需求,也是亚洲患者巨大的健康负担。
As I looked swiftly away, it seemed to me that his glance held some kind of unmet expectation. 我很快地看向别处,对我来说他的目光里似乎带着某种得不到满足的渴望。
She said one major unmet need is economic support to families of patients; in many cases, the patient had been earning wages and the loss of that money often is devastating. 她还表示,未满足病人家庭经济援助上的需求仍是一个主要问题,在许多情况下,病人曾挣钱养家,这份收入损失对家庭来说往往是毁灭性的。
Background: The rapid and reliable diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is a major unmet clinical need. 背景:快速、准确地诊断急性心肌梗死是极需满足的临床需要。
First, identify unmet medical needs where cost efficiencies can be achieved locally and combine this with strong leadership. 第一,发现在当地可以实现成本效益的尚未被满足的医学需求,并把它与强有力的领导能力结合起来。
People with disabilities report seeking more health care than people without disabilities and have greater unmet needs. 与非残疾人相比,残疾人报告寻求得到更多的卫生保健,而未满足的需求也更大。
To address this challenging, unmet medical need, we started a humanitarian programme in Sierra Leone. 为了应对这一挑战,满足未得到满足的医疗需求,我们在塞拉利昂启动了一个人道主义项目。
People with disabilities have less access to health care services and therefore experience unmet health care needs. 残疾人获得的医疗保健服务较少,因而存在卫生保健需求未得到满足的情况。
Things are going well lately; we have no unmet needs. 最近所有事情都很让人满意;我们的所有需要都得到了满足。
On the display side of our business, our products address the unmet need facing growing mobility markets. 在显示器业务方面,公司的产品能够充分满足市场对移动性能的日益增长的需求。
Gardening? Whether backyard or balcony? Fills a heretofore unmet need. 不管是在庭院或是阳台,园艺都填补了人们迄今未曾得到满足的需求。
Continuous dopaminergic drug delivery is an unmet medical need in advanced Parkinson's disease. 晚期帕金森患者中持续多巴胺能药物应用不能满足治疗需要。
There will always be unmet needs, but health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth. 将始终会有未满足的需要,但是卫生从未获得过如此大的关注或享有过如此多的资源。
The study's authors said the statistics point to an unmet need for contraception. 作者提出统计学的观点认为避孕的需要没有满足。
Certainly, there are still huge unmet needs, but health has never before seen such wealth. 当然,未满足的需求仍然巨大,但卫生工作从未获得过如此大量的财富。
Breakout innovation typically combines an unmet market need with a unique advancement in technology or service delivery. 突破性创新通常将未得到满足的市场需求与技术或服务的独特改进结合在一起。
Create a map to clearly and more completely understand the evolving or unmet needs of your customers. 做个图来帮助自己更清晰,更全面地理解客户需求的演变或未能满足的需求。
There are huge unmet needs, even in advanced economies. 目前存在着未得到满足的巨大需求,即便在发达经济体亦是如此。
An unmet need is identified, an ideal product is defined, and a public-private partnership is formed to develop the product. 确认了未满足的需求,确定了一种理想的产品,并形成了一个公立和私立部门伙伴关系以开发该产品。