The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea. 船会停靠在那里,映衬在一片波澜不兴的湛蓝海水之中。
For a long while he did not stir, but lay unmoving upon the heap of old sacks that served him for a bed, listening to the wind in the lines, to the lapping of the river at the hull. 很长时间,他都没有翻身,只是一动不动的躺在当做床的旧麻袋上,听着呼啸而过的风声和浪一下下拍在船舷上的声音。
The end of the level ground was the edge of a cliff: beyond it the darkness went on forever, and the small stars hung unmoving in the black gulf of the sky. 在那之外,黑暗延伸到了无穷远处,而星星永恒地悬挂在黑色天空的怀抱里。
The Awakened One remains unmoving, and action arises by its self. 觉者保持静止,行动会自动发生。
Unmoving, he made a forlorn statue on the cliff from sunrise to sunset. 从日出到日落,它都一动不动,仿佛成了一尊被遗弃在崖边的雕像。
China is painted as a country burdened by unmoving bureaucracy, yet it gets things done and on time. 中国被描绘为一个受僵化的官僚作风所累的国家,但它能成事并准时完成。
To maximize the whole utility in life cycle, households need to weigh moving costs and loss of utility caused by unmoving. 为了最大化整个生命周期的效用,家庭通常需要权衡迁居的交易成本和不迁居的效用损失。
You cannot hear me. I am static and unmoving. 你听不到我的声音,因为我是静止的。
Analysis of Subsoiling Based on Processing Tomato "Broad Row and Unmoving Vine" Planting Model 加工番茄宽垄不翻秧栽培模式下的深耕影响分析
The Research of Effective Technological Planting by "Wide Row and Unmoving Vine" Planting Model of Changhong 加工番茄长红在宽垄不翻秧模式下的高效栽培研究
JS-2 model integrative tech of fracture by unmoving stem to unload fluid and monitor is provided with a view to long time of fracture fluid to resort to cause the second time of pollution and influence reform effect. 考虑到压裂液滞留时间长,造成地层二次污染,影响改造效果,提出了采用JS-2型不动管柱压裂排液监测一体化技术。