He called the new building unoriginal and said that it merely aped the classical traditions. 他说这幢新建筑缺乏新意,只是仿效古典传统而已。
This shouldn't make you feel unimportant or unoriginal; rather you should feel confident that there is really no problem that can not be solved ( speaking technically, not politically or socially). 这是好事情;您应该相信实际上没有什么问题是不能解决的(从技术上说是这样,但是在政治和社会方面就不一定了)。
Im saying something very unoriginal, but its true. 我是在说些很没创意的事,但这是真的。
You're cooler than they are. they're unoriginal. 你比她们酷多了,她们毫无新意。
I think you have a completely unoriginal voice. 你的嗓音完全不独特。
That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal. 这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。
Shelves in order to display goods, generally do not use provocative colors, so unoriginal. 货架为了陈列商品,一般不采用刺激性的色彩,以免喧宾夺主。
In his class, the last thing you should do was be unoriginal or a follower, someone who only knew how to copy. 在亨利克先生的班上,怕的是你不出“新”,怕的就是你是个跟屁虫,只会拷贝资料。
It may be unoriginal, but hey it is your first robot, don't expect to develop the theory of relativity on your first try. 这可能没有创造性,但这是你的第一个机器人,不要指望在第一次尝试的时候就发明相对论。
The worst thing you can do in your life is be unoriginal. 你可以做出一生中最糟糕的事情,那就是不断地抄袭。
The answer is unoriginal, but right all the same: China needs to let the renminbi appreciate. 问题的答案并不新鲜,但终究是正确的:中国需要让人民币升值。
Although some consumers tend to use the cheap unoriginal auto parts, the original auto parts are gaining more and more chance and market shares in the market, and is developing to the dominant part. 尽管一些消费者倾向于使用廉价的非正品零配件,但正规的零配件市场仍很有前景,并正在赢得更多的机会和份额,逐步成为主流。
I thought the book dull and unoriginal. 我认为这本书既沉闷又无新意。
The best weight content of fly ash 、 unoriginal montmorillonite ( MMT 0) and original montmorillonite ( MMT) in epoxy bonding are experimentally investigated. 通过实验得出粉煤灰、未处理蒙脱土(MMT0)、有机化蒙脱土(MMT)三种填料在环氧树脂胶粘剂体系中最佳含量。
The significance of innovating culture is widely discussed on different fields and levels. However, all these discussions are unoriginal, gross and scattered, without a system and further exploration. 科技创新文化的意义正在各个领域、各个层面开始进行探讨,但这些探索大多是既成性的、粗线条的、零散的,既缺乏系统性,又不够深入。
The other one is the choice or layout of data or other material are unoriginal, but has a substantial investment, we call it the unoriginal database. 二是数据或其他材料的选择、编排不具有原创性,但有实质性投入的,我们把它叫做非原创性数据库。
From comparing the unfair competition law and the neighboring right, this paper puts forward the view that the neighboring right is more suitable for protecting the unoriginal database. 运用比较分析法,提出邻接权保护非独创性数据库比特别权利保护更适合,而不正当竞争法可作为法律最后的一个兜底保护手段。