
英 [ʌnˈpeəd] 美 [ʌnˈpɛrd]

adj.  不成对的

BNC.30070 / COCA.36287


  1. So now what we have is four unpaired electrons.
  2. And again, we have the pairing of the unpaired electrons, and we have two orbitals coming together.
  3. So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.
  4. And I cannot have an unpaired electron in the same orbital.
  5. So we can bring in four hydrogen atoms, which will each contribute another unpaired electron.
  6. And what I want to point out that we just figured out for molecular orbital theory, is that o2 is a biradical, because remember, the definition of a radical is when we have an unpaired electron.
  7. You can see that we have two unpaired electrons in this molecule here one in the pi2 p x star, and one in the pi2 p y star orbital.
  8. So the only way I can get an unpaired is to put it alone in another orbital.
  9. S& we don't have to hybridize it, it already has only one unpaired electron in a1 s orbital.
  10. Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electrons play a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
  11. Three unpaired electrons in nitrogen.
  12. Isolation of dorsal unpaired median ( DUM) neurons from the central nervous system of the cockroach Periplaneta americana and patch-clamp recording of their voltage-gated sodium current
  13. The free radical theory of aging posits that substances with unpaired electrons attack the body's molecules and cause the functional decline of organs over time.
  14. Literally, a radical is a molecule that reacts easily with other chemicals because of an unpaired electron.
  15. An atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.
  16. A free radical is a molecular fragment having an unpaired electron.
  17. H2 So the simplest case we can think of is with h2 where we have two unpaired electrons, each in a1 s orbital of a separate h atom.
  18. Free radicals develop when atoms in the body's cells have unpaired electrons, which can lead to damage to different parts of the cell, including DNA.
  19. At the end of the day you have some unpaired electrons.
  20. Their unpaired electrons make the atoms behave like tiny permanent magnets that align with and strengthen an applied magnetic field.
  21. But what we see we have is that we only have two unpaired electrons here.
  22. The results were analyzed with unpaired t test and correlativity test.
  23. According to the classification of free radicals, the Character of the molecular orbital occupied by the unpaired electron was presented.
  24. There are B-H bond, H-H bond and atom-molecular bond in BH+ 4 and BH4. There are four equivalent B-H bonds in BH-4. In the case of BH4 there is an unpaired electron that occurs near the boron atom.
  25. There is a EPR signal with the characteristics of delocalization unpaired electrons;
  26. All unpaired atom, molecule and atomic group are called free radicals, which exist in body widely.
  27. These unpaired electrons are the cause for the high chemical reactivity of free radicals.
  28. Electron spin resonance technique ( ESR) is a type of magnetic resonance. It can be used to study on asymmetric electron system. An unpaired electron system also can be studied with self-rotate marking method for ESR technique.
  29. Free radical is a group of one or more than one unpaired electrons stayed high energy excited state which molecule induced by physical or chemical factors produce.
  30. On the other hand, the double helix DNA molecule with low symmetry has a lot of hanging bonds, and the unpaired electrons of these hanging bonds may come into the π-electrons system.



  1. of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g.

      Synonym:    oddunmatchedunmated