Unfortunately for Mr Sevier, the courts in Florida and Utah, found his legal arguments unpersuasive. 不幸的是,佛罗里达州和犹他州法院都认为塞维尔的理由不充分。
Newspapers will suffer more than the parties, because most of the extravagance goes on unpersuasive advertising. 这对报纸构成的冲击会超过政党,因为那些铺张的开支多数都流向了并无说服力的广告。
But Graham described as unpersuasive the president's continuing assertion that the U. 但是他认为奥巴马总统的一个论点没有说服力。
The bitterness is real, even if the argument and its timing are unpersuasive. 上述苦难是真实的,尽管其论点和提出时机缺乏说服力。
But the view that the US must obtain such agreements if it is to raise some of the lowest levels of taxation and weakest regulation in the advanced world is unpersuasive. 有人认为,美国要想提高其在发达国家里最低的税收水平,并改进最为薄弱的监管,它必须获得这种共识,但这种观点缺乏说服力。
He travelled through Manhattan and Queens, making large-scale, exquisitely printed color photographs of some of the most aesthetically unpersuasive streets in New York City. 他在曼哈顿和昆斯走街串巷,拍摄了一些有关纽约街道的彩色大照片,印刷堪称精致,虽然这些街道从美学上看毫无魅力。
If arguments about climate change are presently unpersuasive although they may well reappear arguments about energy security, and the need to meet rising global demand, are likely to become increasingly pressing. 如果说目前有关气候变化的观点缺乏说服力尽管它们很可能再次付出水面有关能源安全以及满足日益增长的全球需求的必要性的论点,可能会变得越来越迫切。
I find this idea both attractive and unpersuasive. 我认为这个主意虽颇有吸引力,却缺乏说服力。
Jobless workers elsewhere may find this argument unpersuasive. 其他国家的失业者会发现这个说法没有说服力。
It is unpersuasive to apprehend that life is a sort of gambling according to his definition of destiny. (例子)根据他对于命运的定义来将生命理解为一种赌博是不合理的。
The occurrence and the existences of these problems indicate that the appraisal system of our country has not yet forms a state of ordered, and the appraisal result is also unpersuasive. 这些问题的存在和发生,表明我国的资产评估系统尚未形成一种有序的状态,由此产生的评估结果也难以令人信服。