VERB 拆(线);拆开, 拆散 If you unpick a piece of sewing, you remove the stitches from it.
You can always unpick the hems on the dungarees if you don't like them. 如果你不喜欢,你可以把工作服的褶边拆掉。
VERB 找…的毛病;给…挑刺 If someone unpicks a plan or policy, they disagree with it and examine it thoroughly in order to find any mistakes that they can use to defeat it.
A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy. 一个不甚了解情况的政客想对去年欧洲普遍的农业政策改革指手画脚。
US prisons are fuller than those of autocratic China, which has a population more than four times as big. It has also unpicked some of the gains of the 1960s civil rights era. 美国的监狱比威权制度下的中国还要满,而中国人口是美国的4倍多。这一政策还让上世纪60年代民权运动时代取得的部分进步付之东流。
I want the seam unpicked. 我希望有人拆开这条缝。
If the fruits on such a tree remain unpicked, they cannot be safe to eat! 如果一棵树的果子没有人采摘的话,那它们一定不可食用!