The four debates will be compressed into an unprecedentedly short eight-day period 这4场辩论将被压缩到短短8天的时间,这是前所未有的。
The National-Day celebration this year was an unprecedentedly great occasion. 今年国庆日庆祝仪式空前盛大。
Yang said the cold spell had been "unprecedentedly long". 杨说这次的冷空气持续时间“史无前例的长”。
Developing countries unite together for self-improvement and common development, and their aspiration of pushing for establishment of a more just and reasonable international political and economic order is unprecedentedly strong. 发展中国家联合自强、共同发展,推动建立更加公正合理的国际政治经济秩序的愿望空前上升。
London and Paris are now perhaps the two most connected cross-border metropoles in history, an unprecedentedly creative network with trains carrying ideas back and forth. 如今,伦敦和巴黎可能是有史以来两个联系最紧密的跨境大都会,在这个具有空前创新性的网络上,火车将各种观念来回传送。
This study provides an unprecedentedly detailed picture of the health fallout from China's coal burning, said Dr Andrew Gray, a US-based expert on air pollution, who conducted the research. 安德鲁?格雷博士(DrAndrewGray)是美国研究空气污染的专家,并且进行了这次的研究。他说:这项研究就中国燃煤对人体健康带来负面影响的问题提供了一个前所未有的详细概况。
Along with the expansion of capitalism in the world, China was involved in the tide of global commodity economy in modern times and that made the tottering feudal dynasty shocked unprecedentedly. 随着资本主义在全球的扩张,中国在近代被卷入了世界商品经济的大潮之中,这使本来就摇摇欲坠的封建王朝受到了空前绝后的冲击。
Things are bad unprecedentedly bad so we need to consider radical actions and actions that would have been thought lunatic a year or so ago. 情况很糟糕空前地糟糕,因此我们需要考虑采取激进的举措,那些大约一年前还被认为是疯狂的举措。
The overall quality of youth has been improved greatly, and the participation of Chinese youth in social development is unprecedentedly high. 青年的整体素质得到了极大提高,中国青年对社会发展进程的参与也达到了前所未有的程度。
As I write these words, I have just had an unprecedentedly helpful and apologetic e-mail from EasyJet saying that I am going to get my money in three weeks. 当我写到这里时,我刚刚收到EasyJet一封前所未有地有帮助而且充满歉意的电子邮件。信中说,我将在3周内拿回我的钱。
Lien: Well, I would say that this election has create a unprecedentedly constitutional, Uh, crisis. 连战答:我会跟他说这场选举造成一场前所未有的宪政危机。
The world, he says, wants India to do well and he urges it to capitalise on an unprecedentedly benign global environment, in which only Pakistan and China, its two major adversaries, view its rise as a strategic concern. 他表示,全球都希望印度表现出色。同时,他敦促印度利用全球前所未有的良好环境。在这个环境中,只有印度的两大劲敌&巴基斯坦和中国,将印度的崛起视为战略隐忧。
The former's music and dancing art were rapidly depleted with the intrusion of the Europeans whereas the latter's unprecedentedly developed with the founding of the New China. 一个随着欧洲人的侵入,音乐舞蹈艺术迅速枯竭;一个随着新中国的成立,其音乐舞蹈艺术得到空前的发展。
The national crisis and social crisis were unprecedentedly grave. 民族危机和社会危机空前深重。
Today, in the vogue of multicultural prevalent times, the new social environment and cultural context have unprecedentedly challenged traditional literature teaching and classic reading. 在今天这个多元文化的时代背景中,新的社会环境和文化语境对传统文学教学,尤其是经典阅读提出了前所未有的挑战。
She had the personal backing of Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party leader, and had been expected to win an unprecedentedly politicised election. 她得到了国大党领导人索妮亚甘地(soniagandhi)的个人支持,而且外界一直预计帕蒂尔会在一场空前政治化的选举中获胜。
It is a successful TV program exerting strong social influence and marketing might and producing brand value of Chinese classic culture, which boasts an unprecedentedly broad market. 在节目成功的同时,《百家讲坛》更是显现出了强大的社会影响力和市场号召力,掀开了中国经典文化所蕴涵的品牌价值,为经典文化打开了前所未有的广阔市场。
Song Dynasty was the period that the ancient commodity economy of China was developed unprecedentedly; it was also the important period that the ancient rural economy of China developed towards the market. 摘要宋代是中国古代商品经济空前发展的时期,也是中国古代乡村经济走向市场的重要时期。
Are current US gas prices unprecedentedly high? 美国目前的汽油价格是有史以来最高的吗?
B: Tang is a dynasty in Chinese history during which time China was unprecedentedly strong, so the Chinese sometimes regard tang as a sign of prosperity. 唐朝是中国历史上一个史无前例的强盛朝代,所以中国人有时候把唐看作是繁荣的象征。
It has unprecedentedly changed people's work at ordinary times and life style, plays a very important role to technicalization process of the country. 它空前地改变了人们平时的工作与生活方式,对我国的现代化进程起着举足轻重的作用。
The development of ecotourism has received unprecedentedly heightened attention against the background of the construction of new countryside and harmonious society. 乡村生态旅游发展在新农村建设与和谐社会构建的背景下受到前所未有的重视。
The mainland media have raised unprecedentedly bold doubts about the Wenzhou train crash and the Ministry of Railways ( MOR). 今次温州动车事故后,内地传媒对事故原因及铁道部发出了空前大胆激烈的质疑。
How should they order the removal of extraordinary financial intervention, unprecedentedly loose monetary policy and fiscal stimulus? 他们应如何下令取消非常规的金融干预、空前宽松的货币政策和财政刺激?
Against this general background, demand for qualified people by companies in the mainland has been unprecedentedly huge, especially those having international trading experience and perspective. 在这大环境下,内地企业对人才需求之大,前所未有,特别是具有国际商贸经验及视野的人才。
Since the Reform and Opening up, China's ports have developed unprecedentedly, ranking in the forefront of the global ports in size, quantity and throughput. 改革开放以来,我国港口得到了前所未有的发展,从规模、数量到吞吐量均排在全球港口的前列。
The paper argues that Oriental thought in the play is by no means in oblivion, on the contrary, the influence of Taoism and Buddhism has been reinforced unprecedentedly. 本文认为《长日入夜行》中东方理念不仅没有削弱,反而得到了前所未有的加强,整个剧作充满着道家思想和佛学思想的张力。
The international cooperation in the field of solar energy, active unprecedentedly scale, the effect is obvious. 国际太阳能领域的合作空前活跃,规模扩大,效果明显。
In the Northern Song Dynasty, the handicraft industry in Kaifeng had attained an unprecedentedly high level of development, with numerous mills and shops, both state-and privately-owned. 北宋时的开封,手工业空前发达,出现了许多官办或私办的工场和作坊。
In the public discursive space in China the attention is unprecedentedly paid to film-stars with the same unprecedentedly negative evaluation of them, thus forming a paradoxical cultural phenomenon. 电影明星在当代中国的公共话语空间里受到空前关注,同时也伴随着空前强烈的消极评价,从而形成了一种悖谬的文化现象。