It is a tribute to Mr Chandler's skill that he has fashioned a fascinating book out of such unpromising material. 钱德勒先生竟然以如此不被看好的素材写出了一本引人入胜的书,这充分证明了他的写作技巧。
In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings 事实上,他的经商生涯从初期就明显前景暗淡。
Their land looked so unpromising that the colonists eventually gave most of it back. 他们的土地看上去日后没什么用途,所以殖民者最终把大部分都归还给了他们。
Huang Ya, a 24-year-old graduate from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, quit her job because she found it stressful and unpromising. 毕业于浙江越秀外国语学院、24岁的黄亚(音译)选择辞职的原因是工作压力大,前途渺茫。
Why protect something so unpromising? 他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土地?
There was, at times, a want of spirits about him which, if it did not denote indifference, spoke of something almost as unpromising. 他有时候没精打采的,如果不是表示态度冷淡的话,就说明前景有点不妙。
And although optimists continue to argue that it is inevitable that Greece and the EU will strike a debt deal, the early signs are unpromising& and confrontation is looming. 尽管乐观主义者仍然认为,希腊和欧盟难免会达成债务协议,但早期迹象不容乐观&对抗的乌云正在聚集。
But their observation also stems from doubts about underlying growth prospects in a country with such unpromising demographics. 但它们持这种态度的原因还在于,一个人口结构如此没有希望的国家,其潜在增长前景是值得怀疑的。
How often do you find that an unpromising book turns out to be a pretty good read? 你有多少次发现一本本来读不下去的书原来还不错?
The style is unpromising, too. 风格也同样不可指望。
Yet economic theory, experiment and practical experience all suggest that in the most unpromising situations, the bitterest adversaries find a way to get along when they are stuck with each other. 但是,经济学的理论、实验及实际经验都表明:在最不乐观的形势下,当死敌认识到相互间无法摆脱,最终也会找出办法相处。
In my point of view, the dearth of wild species today forecasts an unpromising future for humans tomorrow. 我认为,今天野生动物种类的灭绝和数量的减少预示着将来人类并不明朗的前景。
But it is hard to think of a better way to fashion a decent stretch of Conservative government from the unpromising result of this election. 但是,很难想出还有什么更好的办法,能够让保守党从这次希望不大的选举结果中,获取更大的胜算。
The content is generally unpromising as the big macro business points tend to be obvious and the small micro ones tend to be dull. 内容通常毫无看头大的宏观商业观点常常流于肤浅,小的微观商业观点则往往枯燥无味。
From the most unpromising of starts, he ended up with a far more impressive record, at least in electoral terms, than George H W Bush. 从一个暗淡无光的开端,走到无比辉煌的终点,至少就选举纪录来说,他远胜于老布什。
Yet many people, thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak, rocky, cold and inhospitable land mass, may wonder: why all the fuss? Why protect something so unpromising? 至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆仅仅是一大片荒凉、寒冷、岩石林立、根本无法居住的土地。他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的土地?
If we open a quarrel these, it was hopeless, so unpromising. 如果我们纠缠这些,那真是没出息,太没出息了。
His stance on these issues makes him appear an unpromising partner in negotiation; 他在这些问题上的姿态使他成为谈判中顽固不化的对象。
Behind this repetitious and unpromising pattern lay a history of disappointment at the hands of the key men in her life. 在重复、没希望的规律下面是一段失望史,造成的是在她一生中关键的男人们。
Researchers in China and India have joined forces to explore the best ways of turning unpromising drylands into productive farming land. 中国和印度的科学家正在合作探索把没有前景的旱地转变成多产农田的最佳方法。
If China today is imperial Germany, then the prospects for global stability are unpromising. 如果今天的中国是德意志帝国,那么全球稳定的前景就不太乐观。
It has proved a magical myth: that you should speak softly and carry a big stick, that an eye for an eye can produce co-operation in unpromising situations. 它证明了一个不可思议的荒诞理论:你说话要和气,同时要手持大棒,在前途渺茫的情况下,以眼还眼的报复会带来合作。
An ugly and unpromising child grows into a beautiful and worthy person. 一个丑陋、没有前途的小孩长成了一个漂亮、令人敬重的人物。
The college team made yet another unpromising start to the season. 学院队本赛季又一次开局不利。
Faced an unpromising task; music for unpromising combinations of instruments. 应付一项没有希望的任务;把乐器毫无希望的组合在一起的音乐。
Even discounting the need to get on with China on other issues, however, this is an unpromising approach. 然而,即便不考虑与中国在其它问题上合作的必要性,这种做法也毫无前途。
Entering high school, she was ever considered unpromising in language. 到了高中,她曾被人认为是个在语言方面不可造就的人。
Is agricultural co-operation promising, or is it unpromising? 农业合作化究竟是有希望,还是没有希望?
Only a congenial outsider would remain with so unpromising a figure. 只有志同道合的圈外人才会同这样一个没有前途的人呆在一起。
However, the actual result of the evaluation is unpromising. 但是实施评价的实际效果却不容乐观。