They are all the products of an unreformed political system that has become a drag on development and a serious barrier to China's ambitions to become a global superpower. 这种体制已经成为发展的阻碍,严重地妨碍了中国成为全球超级大国的雄心壮志。
Unreformed welfare systems have not only become unaffordable in an age of large deficits but they have become increasingly difficult to defend when they have trapped millions in dependency and joblessness. 福利体系迟迟未进行改革,不但在这个巨额赤字时代已无法维系,而且由于它使数百万人产生依赖,不再去工作,已经越来越没有理由为自己辩护了。
French calls North Korea the only unreformed Stalinist command economy standing. 弗伦奇将朝鲜称为现存唯一未改革的斯大林主义指令性经济体。
One reason is that the unreformed Japanese corporate sector is indifferent to returns to shareholders. 原因之一是,未经改革的日本企业界,依然不把回报股东当一回事。
Alcoholics and drug addicts: partnering with unreformed substance abusers is a nightmare. 酗酒和吸毒:与未能改过自新的物质滥用者做合作伙伴会是场噩梦。
If resisting the government's will is indeed a mark of effectiveness, then the unreformed Lords have been doing a fine job since most of their hereditary members were removed from the chamber in1999. 如果抗拒政府意愿堪称效力标志的话,那么自1999年多数世袭成员被取消贵族爵位以来,未经改革的上议院可谓成绩显著。
It looks unreformed, unwieldy and ultimately unsustainable. 它看上去完全没有实施改革,笨重庞大,根本不可持续。
The economy has long-standing weaknesses, including congested transport, unreformed schools and patchy skills. 英国经济也有长期存在的劣势,包括拥挤的交通,缺乏改革的学校教育以及停滞不前的技术。
Investment in roads and education, for instance, ought not to be lumped in with costly and unreformed entitlements, like Social Security and Medicare. 比如,交通和教育的投资不应该汇总到昂贵的、待改革的津贴里,比如社会保险和医疗保险。
With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses," new China "is hardly a haven for innovative thinking. 乏善可陈的一党制,死记硬背的育人方式和对于大型企业的国有管制,这些束缚最终还是很难使“新中国”成为孕育创新思想的温床。
This might see largely unreformed existing institutions co-existing with ad hoc arrangements, regional partnerships and great power co-operation at times of crisis. 这可能意味着,现有机构基本上不会改革,而在危机期间,各国会达成临时安排,结成地区性伙伴关系,以及进行强强合作。
The path of least resistance on growth would be the desperate hope that a wave of loose monetary policies across the globe would allow a resurgent, but largely unreformed, financial sector to refloat the UK economy. 阻力最小的增长路径,将是这样一种无奈的希望:一波席卷全球的宽松货币政策浪潮,将使一个复苏的(但基本上未经改革的)金融行业重振英国经济。
A fast, accurate and feasible collision detection algorithm is important for an application. In this paper, a new planar simple polygon intersection algorithm, based on 2D axis-aligned bounding rectangle data structure, is presented for the polygons subjected to simple and unreformed movement. 为了提高多边形碰撞检测的效率,针对简单形式刚性运动的多边形对象,提出了一种基于二维轴向矩形包围盒结构的平面简单多边形碰撞检测算法。
The chipping width is consistent with the variation of maximum unreformed chip thickness calculated by the overall dicing parameters. 崩边宽度与最大未变形切屑厚度的变化趋势是一致的。
The stiffness of blade and maximum unreformed chip thickness both have influence on the width of slits. 切缝宽度与最大未变形切屑厚度和刀片刚度都有关系。