You say that many big companies act unscrupulously, but can you give me one example? 你说许多大公司不按规则运行,你能举个例子吗?
Since then, finance, like a never-ending, unscrupulously voracious vampire, changes into a manically wealth accumulator. 从那时起,金融就像一个永不休止、贪婪无度的“吸血鬼”,变成了一部疯狂敛财的机器。
Is it the magic pen of the Nature or the mystic brush of the Creator that so willfully and unscrupulously in thick or light colours dye the great universe wonderfully? 是大自然的魔笔,还是造物主的神笔?如此恣意浓浓淡淡,把大千染上了奇妙的缤纷色彩。
Although often unscrupulously edited, or misunderstood by well-meaning translators, major religious scriptures still contain references to this heavenly sound. 虽然各主要宗教经典经常遭到恣意的编纂或翻译者善意的误解,但是它们仍然保留了有关天堂音乐的内容。
The reason is that a handful of die-hards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest. 察其原因,不外有少数顽固分子,不顾民族国家利益,恣意妄为。
Examples of these are found in many developing countries, where many of their citizens unscrupulously sacrifice national interests for their own benefits or those of their groups. 正如我们在很多发展中国家所看到的,很多人对以牺牲国家利益为代价来增进个人或小集团的利益的行为并不感到内疚。
To protect private information from being unscrupulously gathered, such data should be encrypted and made indecipherable to unauthorized entities. 为了防止隐私信息被肆意收集,应对此类数据进行加密,保护它不会被未授权的实体破译。
Paid no attention, allowed emotion to leave unscrupulously and invisibly how much recollection. 不经意间,任情感恣意,无形中留下了多少回忆。
She unscrupulously uses her charm to make men do what she wants. 她不择手段地利用自己的魅力让男人们做她想要做的事情。
Obtain illegally or unscrupulously. 非法或无道德原则地取得。
However, the competition between enterprises has been wrongly regarded as a life-and-death struggle, unscrupulously and against cooperation. 但是我国企业对于竞争存在三大错误认识,即认为竞争就是你死我活、竞争就是不择手段、竞争与合作对立。
While the modem philosophy of science of logic empiricism neglected these post-modernistic thought heritages, post-modernistic philosophy of science unscrupulously exaggerated these wisdoms and went to extremes. 逻辑经验论的现代科学哲学忽视了这些后现代主义的思想遗产,而后现代科学哲学又把这些超越时代的睿智恣意夸大,从而走向极端。
Imbalance in the world, morality is meaningless, law is ineffective, in which the people can take actions unscrupulously. Greed, jealousy, cunning, foolish, blind and so on was to be ugly exposed. 在这个失衡的世界中,道德失去意义,法律失去效力,人们可以肆无忌惮地行动,贪婪、嫉妒、狡诈、愚蠢、盲目等丑态暴露无遗。
It is a kind of consump-tion patterns and values which encourage people to expend material wealth and natural resources unscrupulously and unrestrainedly, and consider consumption as the highest purpose of life. 它是一种消费观念和生活方式,它鼓励人们毫无节制地消费自然资源和物质财富,并把消费作为人生最高价值追求。