We have had unseasonable weather all through the year: prolonged drought in spring, hailstorms in summer, and too much rain in autumn. 今年时令不正,春旱秋涝,夏天又闹雹灾。
It may be so, said the young clergyman, indifferently, as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable. 可能是这样的,年轻的牧师谈淡地说,象是放弃了这个他认为不相干和没道理的讨论。
I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation, so very reluctantly I went up to the library, and announced the unseasonable visitor, advising that he should be dismissed till next day. 我明白他是根本不理睬我的想法,因此我很勉强地走到书房,给这个不合时宜的来访者通报,劝主人让他走,明天再说。
So I stumbled out into dreary snowy Oswiecim. a sudden unseasonable blizzard; unseasonable bright blue weather in November. 于是,我踉踉跄跄离开,走近了白雪覆盖着的阴沉凄凉的奥斯威辛。一场突然的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。
A snowstorm is coming up. a sudden unseasonable blizzard; unseasonable bright blue weather in November. 一场暴风雪正在酝酿中。一场突然的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。
A sudden unseasonable blizzard; unseasonable bright blue weather in November. 一场突然的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。
He was sweating mightily in his unseasonable suit. 他穿着不合时令的西装而汗流浃背。
An ill-timed intervention; you think my intrusion unseasonable; an untimely remark; it was the wrong moment for a joke. 不合时的干预;你认为我的闯入是不合时宜的;不合时宜的谈论;不合时宜的开玩笑。
Now, as Mediterranean grape-growers move north to escape the unseasonable heat, they may need to look to newly-temperate Britain for inspiration. 由于地中海葡萄种植者北移避开了不合时宜的热量,他们可能需要更多的了解英国新的温度带来寻求灵感。
Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north China up to the end of March. 到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。
Zonally Symmetric Mode of Northern Hemisphere General Circulation of Atmosphere and Its Relationship with Anomalous Climate in China Wintertime; Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north China up to the end of March. 北半球大气环流的纬向对称模及其与中国冬季气候异常的关联到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。
However, according to internal and external circumstances, those restrictions are more and more unseasonable. 然而,从内外环境来看,此诸多限制已越来越不合时宜。
With the development of times such judgment has been already unseasonable. 但在技术高度发展、媒体高度发达的现代社会,这样的论断已经不合时宜。
Unseasonable Flowering and Bearing Phenomenon of Fruit Trees 果树的多次开花结实现象
Unseasonable flowering and bearing phenomenon is a biological habits of fruit trees, not a kind of morbid state or ecological disturbance. 多次开花现象是果树的一种自然的生物学习性,并非是传统上讲的一种病态或生态病。
With the change of investment environment, the foreign investment law of country has turned out to be unseasonable with the new conditions. 随着国内外投资环境的变化,我国外资法已逐渐不能适应新形势的需要。