Some meteorologists suspect unseasonal snow storms off the east coast of America in2010 were partly caused by Arctic warming shifting wind patterns. 一些气象专家怀疑2010年美国东海岸的那场非季节性暴风雪,北极变暖造成的气流模式改变难辞其咎。
The state's total tobacco production is expected to remain at the target level of170 million kg this season as unseasonal rains have damaged the crop in the state, the official said. 这名官员说,由于非季节性的降雨使安德拉邦的烟草遭到了破坏,安德拉邦今年的烟草总产量预计保持在今年的目标水平,即1.7亿公斤。
Studies on fruit quality characteristics of Strawberry under Unseasonal Conditions in Bashang Area of Zhangjiakou 张家口坝上错季草莓品质特性研究