God wants you to learn to love and serve others unselfishly. 神希望你学习无私地爱人、服事人。
Those of you who truly love your spouse and children would unselfishly lay your life on the line to save them from death. 你愿意无私地放弃自己的生命来拯救你真正爱着的配偶和孩子免于死亡。
He unselfishly conspxibuted his uncommon talents and spirit to this career which today helps him reach his goal. 他把自己非凡的才智和精力无私地献给了这项事业,而这项事业今天已使他实现了目标。
In theory, investment bankers unselfishly introduce newly minted millionaires, post-float, to their private banking colleagues. 理论上,投资银行家无私地将公司上市后新出炉的百万富翁介绍给私人银行业的同行。
I want to say "thank you" to my father, for he let me know: giving unselfishly attracts sincere friends! 同时也感谢爸爸留给我这份珍贵的礼物:无私的付出会吸引真诚的朋友!
I understand the force behind her love on Mother's Day, Advice that she has given me has helped me find my way. I try with all my heart to love unselfishly like my mother. 值此母亲节,我懂得了她的爱背后的力量,她给我的忠告帮我找到了属于自己的方向,我努力像母亲那样,无私地去爱。
Unselfishly willing to share with others. 无私的愿与他人分享的。
He unselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and indefatigable spirit to the struggle which today brings those aims within the reach of a majority of the human race. 他无私的贡献了自己的才智和不知疲倦的精神给了大多数人类种族都能赶得上的目标的奋斗。
Advice that she has given me has helped me find my way. I try with all my heart to love unselfishly like my mother. 她给我的忠告帮我找到了属于自己的方向,我努力像母亲那样,无私的去爱。
The teachers give us help unselfishly. 老师无私地(unselfishly)给我们帮助。
The last sentence of Lincoln's letter saying: "Let him have the marble monument, along with the well-assured and the more enduring one in the hearts of those who love liberty unselfishly for all men." 在信的最后,他说:“就让我们用更坚固和持久的爱去为他建一座大理石纪念碑吧,这份爱深藏于那些无私地热爱全人类解放事业的人心中。”
He acted unselfishly when he helped her get the promotion. 他无私地帮着她获取提升的机会。
It may be that, so placed, you being the noble-minded Paragon that you are would behave unselfishly. 也许,你是品德高尚的杰出人物,即使得到了那种位置,你会表现得毫不自私。
Unselfishly she shares her love and asks none in return. 她无私地让我们分享她的爱,不求回报。
Saint has the sincerest heart so that he can be interlinked to the heaven and earth and can therefore cultivate and nurture unselfishly and unconditionally. 圣人就是有那一点至诚的心与天地相通,才能造化无私、造化无心。
The rebellious granddaughter was cut off without a penny unselfishly willing to share with others. 忤逆的孙女被剥夺了继承权。无私的愿与他人分享的。
Helping someone in a worse situation makes you feel better about yourself by contrast, and it also uses the more positive side of this aspect, which wants to love generously and unselfishly. 帮助他们让你因为和他们的对比,而会对自己感觉更好,这一方面也是来源于你无私而慷慨的爱。