In 99% of cases, in my experience, the answer is No. The real problem is that both the person making the request and the person accepting it, are unskillful in making and accepting effective requests. 根据我的经验,在99%的案例中,答案都是否定的。真正的问题是,无论提出要求的人也好,接受要求的人也罢,他们都不擅长有效地提出和接受别人的要求。
Don't spend so much time in front of the computer to risk your neck to be rigid and mistakenly accounted as the aftermath of your unskillful consumption of oysters. 所以你咀嚼回味蚝肉的时候千万别恋栈太久,还是快快吞下为妙,一免导致脖子僵硬!
The machine was rendered useless by unskillful handling. 由于操作不熟练,机器给弄得没有用了。
A Comparative Research on Personality Characteristic between Skillful Master and unskillful Master 熟练与不熟练技能人才人格特征比较研究
If you're suffering, you try not to continue the unskillful mental habits that would keep that particular karmic feedback going. 如果你在受苦,便试着不再继续缺乏善巧的思维习惯,它使你那个特定苦业的反馈循环得以转动不息。
To hang onto anything fragile requires a large investment of passion, aversion, and delusion, leading inevitably to more unskillful actions on into the future. 紧抓任何脆弱的事物,要求我们注入大量的贪、瞋、痴,在未来不可避免地导致更多非善巧之业。
Policeman: He is so unskillful. I have never seen such an awkward burglar. 警察:他技术太烂了。我从没见过技术这么烂的小偷。
Is it an unskillful mental act, with painful consequences, painful results? 它会是一种不善巧的意业,有苦果、苦报么?
Be like bilateral party to entrust technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment jointly, talk things over by bilateral party beforehand pay appraisal cost. 若双方当事人共同委托医疗事故技术鉴定的,由双方当事人协商预先缴纳鉴定费。
I gazed at it eagerly for a long while, not expecting that my grandpa, who was always unskillful to speak out his love, would buy it for me. 原本我只是眼巴巴地望着它,没想到一向不善于表达宠爱的爷爷,竟然会买下它送给我。
So often we want happiness, but the very way we pursue it is so clumsy and unskillful that it brings only more sorrow. 我们常想要得到快乐,但我们所追逐的方法却那么笨拙和生涩,以致于反而带来了更多的烦恼。
Wholesome service turns over those who undertake technical appraisement of unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment, by the party that offers malpractice dispute processing beforehand pay appraisal cost. 卫生行政部门移交进行医疗事故技术鉴定的,由提出医疗事故争议处理的当事人预先缴纳鉴定费。
This is because our level of being is determined by our volitional actions, by whether they are skill or unskillful, not by whether or not we feel good while performing those actions. 这是因为我们存在的水平是由我们有意选择做的行为决定的,取决于它们是灵巧的还是笨拙的,而不取决于我们是否在做那些行为时感觉良好。
Study of the Regulation of Dealing with the Unskillful and Faulty Medical Treatment 《医疗事故处理条例》若干问题研究
Ethical thinking about the regulation how to deal with unskillful and faulty medical treatment 关于《医疗事故处理条例》的伦理思考
The errors and complications are related to iatrogenic factors such as inadequate preoperative preparation, improper DHS choice, unskillful surgical technique, and improper postoperative functional exercise. 出现的失误和并发症与术前准备、适应证的选择、DHS的选用、手术技术及术后功能锻炼指导等医源性因素有关。
Many researches have showed that this phenomenon is because of a shortage of practice, a lack of vocabulary, or unskillful use of frequently-used expressions. 众多研究表明,这种现象大多由于学生们口语练习太少,口语词汇欠缺,或者常用的口语词组运用不熟练。
But it is very complicated to describe simpler primitive Penna model through the mathematics theory, and the received results are more unskillful than the results of computer simulation. 但是对于比较简单原始的Penna用数学理论描述起来也是非常复杂的,并且得到的结果也和模拟模型的结果相差很大。